April 11, 2019, Introduced by Senator ALEXANDER and referred to the Committee on     Appropriations.




     A bill to amend 2012 PA 436, entitled


"Local financial stability and choice act,"


by amending section 32 (MCL 141.1572).




     Sec. 32. (1) This Except as otherwise provided in subsection


(2), this act does not impose any liability or responsibility in


law or equity upon this state, any department, agency, or other


entity of this state, or any officer or employee of this state, or


any member of a receivership transition advisory board, for any


action taken by any local government under this act, for any


violation of the provisions of this act by any local government, or


for any failure to comply with the provisions of this act by any


local government. A cause of action against this state or any


department, agency, or entity of this state, or any officer or


employee of this state acting in his or her official capacity, or


any membership of a receivership transition advisory board acting


in his or her official capacity, may not be maintained for any


activity authorized by this act, or for the act of a local


government filing under chapter 9, including any proceeding


following a local government's filing.


     (2) If a local government is placed in receivership with an


appointed emergency manager for 18 months or more and that local


government incurs any additional debt or liability, excluding


interest on existing debt or liabilities, that is over the amount


of the debt or liabilities that existed for that local government


on the date the local government was placed in receivership, this


state shall reimburse that local government for the amount of the


additional debt or liability incurred by an appropriation as


provided by law.