SB-0249, As Passed Senate, April 16, 2015
















March 26, 2015, Introduced by Senator HUNE and referred to the Committee on Insurance.




     A bill to amend 1982 PA 295, entitled


"Support and parenting time enforcement act,"


by amending section 25a (MCL 552.625a), as amended by 2009 PA 193.




     Sec. 25a. (1) The amount of past due support that accrues


under a judgment as provided in section 3 or under the law of


another state constitutes is a lien in favor of the recipient of


support against the real and personal property of a payer,


including, but not limited to, money to be paid as a distribution


from a decedent's estate; as the result of a claim for negligence,


personal injury, or death; under an arbitration award; under a


settlement of or judgment issued in a civil action; or as


compensation under a worker's compensation order, settlement,


redemption order, or voluntary payment. The lien is effective at


the time that the support is due and unpaid and continues until the


amount of past due support is paid in full or the lien is


terminated by the title IV-D agency.


     (2) Liens that arise in other states shall be accorded full


faith and credit when the requirements of section 25b or 25c are




     (3) A lien created under subsection (1) is subordinate to a


prior perfected lien. All liens that arise under subsection (1) and


described in subsection (2) have equal priority.


     (4) A lien shall not be perfected or levied under this act


unless the title IV-D agency has provided a notice to the payer


that liens exist by operation of law and that the payer's real and


personal property can be encumbered or seized if an arrearage


accrues in an amount that exceeds the periodic support payments


payable under the payer's support order for the time specified in


this act. Notice has been provided if it is in the payer's support


order or if it was mailed to the payer at any time.


     (5) The title IV-D agency or another person required to


provide notice under this section or sections 25b to 25i shall


provide notice by paper, unless the person to be notified agrees to


notice by other means. The title IV-D agency or other person


providing notice under this section or sections 25b to 25i shall


complete and preserve proof of service of the notice in a form that


substantially conforms to the requirements for proof of service


under the Michigan court rules.


     (6) A lien under subsection (1) does not arise against any of


the following:


     (a) A financial asset pledged to a financial institution as




     (b) A financial asset to which a financial institution has a


prior right of setoff or other lien.


     (c) Property or an allowance described in part 4 of article II


of the estates and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL


700.2401 to 700.2404.700.2405.


     (d) Fifty percent of the amount of compensation due to a payer


under a worker's compensation order, settlement, redemption order,


or voluntary payment.


     (e) That portion of money to be paid as a distribution from a


decedent's estate; as the result of a claim for negligence,


personal injury, or death; under an arbitration award; under a


settlement of or judgment issued in a civil action; or as


compensation under a worker's compensation order, settlement,


redemption order, or voluntary payment that is owed for any of the




     (i) Attorney fees.


     (ii) Court costs and other litigation costs, including, but not


limited to, medical examination costs, expenses for reports,


deposition fees, court reporter fees, and record copy fees.


     (iii) The medicaid program under the social welfare act, 1939 PA


280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, unless medicaid is subordinated to


child support under federal law.


     (iv) Medical services or a reimbursement for a payment made for


medical services either to or by an insurer, health maintenance


organization, or nonprofit health care corporation. For the


purposes of compensation under a worker's compensation order,


settlement, redemption order, or voluntary payment, as used in this


subparagraph, "medical services" means services as described and


regulated under sections 315 and 319 of the worker's disability


compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.315 and 418.319, and


the rules promulgated under those sections.


     (v) An amount to reimburse an insurance company for the


expense incurred by the insurance company in responding to a lien


and levy under sections 25b to 25i. A reimbursement amount under


this subparagraph shall not exceed the actual expense or $50.00,


whichever is less, for each lien and levy or for each payment under


a lien and levy.


     (vi) Other costs related to the arbitration, civil action, or


worker's compensation order, settlement, redemption order, or


voluntary payment.


     (vii) For reimbursements Reimbursements to which an employer or


carrier is entitled under section 827 of the worker's disability


compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.827.


     (viii) For vocational Vocational rehabilitation costs,


reimbursements, or credits incidental to long- or short-term


disability programs or to pension or welfare benefit funds.


     (ix) For a medicare A Medicare set aside account for future


medical care or for future medicaid, Medicaid, unless medicare or


medicaid Medicare or Medicaid is subordinated to child support


under federal law.


     (f) Money to be paid under an insurance policy for the repair


or replacement of real or tangible personal property.


     (g) Money to be paid for allowable expenses that are payable


as benefits under section 3107(1)(a) or (c) (d) of the insurance


code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3107.


     (7) The title IV-D agency does not have the authority to alter


an amount itemized in a redemption order. A lien that arises under


this act and a levy of that lien only affect that portion, as


prescribed in this section, of the payment due the payer under a


redemption order. A carrier shall not use the enforcement of a lien


and levy under this act as the basis for freezing or otherwise


refusing to pay out an amount itemized in a redemption order that


is not affected by the lien and levy under this act.


     (8) As used in this section and sections 25b to 25i:


     (a) "Carrier" means any of the following:


     (i) "Carrier" as that term is defined in section 601 of the


worker's disability compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL




     (ii) A fund created under section 501 of the worker's


disability compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.501.


     (iii) The property and casualty guaranty association required to


be maintained by section 7911 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956


PA 218, MCL 500.7911.


     (b) "Insurer" means that term as defined in section 106 of the


insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.106.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 248                                      


             of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.