February 12, 2009, Introduced by Senators PAPPAGEORGE, HARDIMAN, CROPSEY, KUIPERS and RICHARDVILLE and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


(MCL 211.1 to 211.155) by adding section 7qq.




     Sec. 7qq. (1) The governing body of a local governmental unit


may by resolution exempt from the collection of taxes under this


act new construction on eligible principal residence property used


as a living area to the extent provided in subsection (5) and for


the period provided in subsection (6). The resolution may include


all or portions of the local governmental unit.


     (2) Before acting on the resolution, the clerk of the local


governmental unit shall notify in writing the assessor of each


local tax collecting unit in the local governmental unit and the


legislative body of each taxing jurisdiction that levies ad valorem


property taxes in the local governmental unit and shall set a date


for a public hearing on the adoption of the resolution. Notice of


the public hearing shall be published twice in a newspaper of


general circulation in the local governmental unit, not less than


20 nor more than 40 days before the date of the hearing. The notice


shall state the date, time, and place of the hearing. At that


hearing, a citizen, taxpayer, official from a taxing jurisdiction


that levies ad valorem property taxes in the local governmental


unit, or a property owner of the local governmental unit has the


right to be heard in regard to the exemption under this section.


     (3) Not more than 30 days after the public hearing, if the


governing body of the local governmental unit intends to proceed


with the exemption, the governing body shall adopt, by majority


vote of its members elected and serving, a resolution granting the


exemption. The adoption of the resolution is subject to all


applicable statutory or charter provisions with respect to the


approval or disapproval by the chief executive or other officer of


the local governmental unit and the adoption of a resolution over


his or her veto. This resolution shall be filed with the secretary


of state promptly after its adoption.


     (4) The proceedings establishing the exemption shall be


presumptively valid unless contested in a court of competent


jurisdiction within 60 days after the filing of the resolution with


the secretary of state.


     (5) New construction eligible for exemption under this section


is limited as follows:


     (a) For eligible principal residence property less than 3,000


square feet in area, living area new construction of not more than


50% of the existing living area of that eligible principal


residence property.


     (b) For eligible principal residence property 3,000 square


feet or greater in area, living area new construction of not more


than 25% of the existing living area of that eligible principal


residence property.


     (6) The exemption under this section is effective on the


December 31 immediately succeeding the adoption of the resolution


by the governing body of the local governmental unit under


subsection (3). The exemption shall continue in effect until the


eligible principal residence property is transferred or for a


period specified in the resolution which shall not be more than 5


years, whichever is sooner. If the eligible principal residence


property is transferred, the taxable value shall be adjusted under


section 27a(3). If the eligible principal residence property has


not been transferred and the period specified in the resolution has


expired, the property's taxable value shall be adjusted as provided


in section 34d(1)(b)(i).


     (7) As used in this section:


     (a) "Eligible principal residence property" means a principal


residence exempt under section 7cc from the tax levied by a local


school district for school operating purposes to the extent


provided under section 1211 of the revised school code, 1976 PA


451, MCL 380.1211, in the year immediately preceding the first year


in which living area new construction is exempt under this section.


     (b) "Living area" means an area of principal residence


property used by 1 or more persons for domestic residential


purposes. Living area includes, but is not limited to, a bedroom,


kitchen, bathroom, living room, family room, den, or enclosed




     (c) "New construction" means that term as defined in section




     (d) "Principal residence" means that term as defined under


section 7dd.


     (e) "Transferred" means a transfer of ownership as that term


is described in section 27a.