February 26, 2015, Introduced by Senators BRANDENBURG, ROBERTSON, ZORN, HORN, GREEN, EMMONS, MARLEAU, CASPERSON and KNOLLENBERG and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 2007 PA 36, entitled


"Michigan business tax act,"


by amending section 113 (MCL 208.1113), as amended by 2012 PA 601.




     Sec. 113. (1) "Partner" means a partner or member of a




     (2) "Partnership" means a taxpayer that is required to or has


elected to file as a partnership for federal income tax purposes.


     (3) "Person" means an individual, firm, bank, financial


institution, insurance company, limited partnership, limited


liability partnership, copartnership, partnership, joint venture,


association, corporation, subchapter S corporation, limited


liability company, receiver, estate, trust, or any other group or


combination of groups acting as a unit.


     (4) "Professional employer organization" means an organization


that provides the management and administration of the human


resources of another entity by contractually assuming substantial


employer rights and responsibilities through a professional


employer agreement that establishes an employer relationship with


the leased officers or employees assigned to the other entity by


doing all of the following:


     (a) Maintaining a right of direction and control of employees'


work, although this responsibility may be shared with the other




     (b) Paying wages and employment taxes of the employees out of


its own accounts.


     (c) Reporting, collecting, and depositing state and federal


employment taxes for the employees.


     (d) Retaining a right to hire and fire employees.


     (5) Professional employer organization is not a staffing


company as that term is defined in subsection (6).


     (6) "Purchases from other firms" means all of the following:


     (a) Inventory acquired during the tax year, including freight,


shipping, delivery, or engineering charges included in the original


contract price for incurred to acquire that inventory.


     (b) Assets, including the costs of fabrication and


installation, acquired during the tax year of a type that are, or


under the internal revenue code will become, eligible for


depreciation, amortization, or accelerated capital cost recovery


for federal income tax purposes.


     (c) To the extent not included in inventory or depreciable


property, materials and supplies, including repair parts and fuel.


     (d) For a staffing company, compensation of personnel supplied


to customers of staffing companies. As used in this subdivision:


     (i) "Compensation" means that term as defined under section 107


plus all payroll tax and worker's compensation costs.


     (ii) "Staffing company" means a taxpayer whose business


activities are included in industry group 736 under the standard


industrial classification code as compiled by the United States


department of labor.Department of Labor.


     (e) For a person included in major group 15, 16, or 17 under


the standard industrial classification code as compiled by the


United States department of labor Department of Labor that does not


claim a credit under section 417 for the same tax year, both of the




     (i) Payments to subcontractors for a construction project under


a contract specific to that project.


     (ii) To the extent not deducted under subdivisions (a) and (c),


payments for materials deducted as purchases in determining the


cost of goods sold for the purpose of calculating total income on


the taxpayer's federal income tax return.


     (f) For the 2008 tax year and each tax year after 2008, all


film rental or royalty payments paid by a theater owner to a film


distributor, a film producer, or a film distributor and producer.


     (g) For a taxpayer licensed under article 25 or 26 of the


occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.2501 to 339.2518 and


339.2601 to 339.2637, payments to an independent contractor


licensed under article 25 or 26 of the occupational code, 1980 PA


299, MCL 339.2501 to 339.2518 and 339.2601 to 339.2637.


     (h) For the 2011 tax year and each tax year after 2011, a


person classified under the 2002 North American industrial


classification system number 484 as compiled by the United States


office of management and budget Office of Management and Budget


that does not qualify for a credit under section 417, payments to


subcontractors to transport freight by motor vehicle under a


contract specific to that freight to be transported by motor




     (7) "Revenue mile" means the transportation for a


consideration of 1 net ton in weight or 1 passenger the distance of


1 mile.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act is curative and


intended to clarify the original intent of 2007 PA 36. This


amendatory act is retroactive and effective for taxes levied on and


after January 1, 2008.