Reps. Green, Allor, Chirkun, Clemente, Cochran, Crawford, Faris, Geiss, Greig, Howrylak, Hughes, Kelly, Liberati, Maturen, Phelps, Singh, Sneller, Sowerby, Wittenberg and Yanez offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 438.

            A resolution to declare November 29, 2018, as Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, Metastatic cancer occurs when cancer cells have spread from the primary area affected with cancer through the lymph nodes and the blood stream to secondary areas. Metastatic cancer is often referred to as stage four cancer and is considered terminal; and  

            Whereas, Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is an especially devastating diagnosis. MBC has a survival rate of 22% and typically a 5 year life expectancy from original diagnosis. Currently, there is no cure and around 40,000 Americans die due to metastatic breast cancer each year; and

            Whereas, MBC is the most common form of stage four cancer found in women. Of the 200,000 Americans diagnosed with breast cancer annually, 6-10% are metastatic diagnoses. Of the stages 0-3 diagnoses, 30% of patients will develop metastatic breast cancer; and

            Whereas, While breast cancer receives the highest amount of funding compared to other cancers, only 7% of the $15 billion invested in breast cancer research from 2000 to 2013 made up by the major governmental and nonprofit funders from North America and the United Kingdom was focused on MBC research; and

            Whereas, There are various non-profit foundations that strive for equality among breast cancer research by urging that a certain percentage of breast cancer research funds are allocated to MBC, reflecting the 30% of those who progress to this stage throughout the course of the disease. Focusing more research time and dollars on developing a cure for late stage breast cancer will ensure all patients have the opportunity to seek treatment and live out the remainder of their lives to the fullest; and

            Whereas, The residents of Michigan are grateful for the efforts of various organizations which emphasize the lack of funding allocated to MBC. METAvivor only awards grants to stage four research, substantiating the fears and concerns of those who suffer from MBC and serving as a platform to empower their voices; and

            Whereas, An estimated 1,400 Michigan women will lose their lives to metastatic breast cancer this year alone. As supporters of breast cancer patients and survivors, we have a responsibility to understand where our contributed dollars are allocated. By donating to platforms that invest heavily in stage 4 research, we can contribute to the search for a cure and raise awareness about the urgency of metastatic breast cancer research; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare November 29, 2018, as Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Awareness Day in the state of Michigan. We join together to shine a light on those who have lost the fight to metastatic breast cancer and on their loved ones and encourage increased stage four research. Research for a cure serves patients struggling with all stages of cancer and our efforts to find new treatment options and develop a cure should never stall.