The Speaker on behalf of the entire membership of the House of Representatives offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 386.   

            A resolution of tribute for the Honorable Judy Nerat.

            Whereas, It is with admiration and appreciation that we commend Representative Judy Nerat for her service to the state in this legislative body. Her dedicated service to the constituents of Delta, Dickinson, and Menominee Counties during her tenure has been greatly appreciated; and

            Whereas, As a lifelong resident of the Upper Peninsula, Judy Nerat developed a passion for the outdoors and quality of life provided to UP residents. Her experience as a small business owner for 34 years gave her unique perspectives on the most valuable services offered by government to its citizens. Judy Nerat began her public service in elective office by serving on the Menominee County Road Commission for two terms. Her leadership skills were recognized by her peers as she was appointed to the County Road Association of Michigan's Commissioners' Committee and elected as a director of the self-insurance fund; and

            Whereas, As a member of this chamber, Representative Judy Nerat pursued her passions to protect the natural resources of the Upper Peninsula, open lands to outdoor enthusiasts, encourage economic development, support small businesses, and see to the state's transportation needs. In her life and public service, Representative Nerat has met many challenges and continued to represent the needs of her constituents with dedication and commitment to service; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we express our admiration and appreciation to Representative Judy Nerat for her public service in this chamber; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Representative Judy Nerat as evidence of our appreciation and best wishes.