The Speaker, on behalf of the entire membership of the House of Representatives, offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 355.   

            A resolution of tribute for the Honorable Robert Dean.

            Whereas, It is with appreciation for his hard work and dedication over the past four years that we salute Robert Dean as his service with the Michigan House of Representatives comes to a close. A key part of his work as a legislator have been his efforts at the committee level. Representative Dean worked tirelessly on issues that affect human services, children's health, and education, serving as the vice chair of the Families and Children's Services Committee as well as on the Commerce, Education, and Military and Veterans Affairs Committees. More recently, his time and effort on the House Appropriations Committee have been of great value at a time when our state has faced unfortunate budgetary issues; and

            Whereas, A man of strong conviction and dedication, Representative Dean founded the New Life Church of God in Christ and has been its Pastor for 30 years. His public sector experience prior to coming to the House of Representatives included serving on the Grand Rapids Public School Board from 1990 to 1996, the Grand Rapids City Commission from 1999 to 2006, and the Grand Rapids Community College Board of Trustees. These experiences have been a great asset to this legislative body; and

            Whereas, Robert Dean's involvement with his community is continued evidence of his desire to support families and children. He has been involved with Campfire USA, the Christian Employment Assistance team, Families for Kids, and the Kent County Children's Coordinating Council. He was instrumental in the creation of the Office of Homeless Services, the Children Youth and Family Services, and Healthy Kent 2000. Representative Dean's Seventy-fifth District constituents have benefited from this dedicated public servant; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we offer this resolution as an expression of our gratitude to the Honorable Robert Dean for his many contributions to the people of Michigan; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Representative Dean as evidence of our thanks.