Reps. Clemente, Allor, Brinks, Canfield, Chirkun, Cochran, Faris, Gay-Dagnogo, Greig, Hammoud, Howrylak, Kelly, Liberati, Maturen, Moss, Pagan, Rabhi, Singh, Sneller, Sowerby and Wittenberg offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 347.

            A resolution to declare May 21-25, 2018, as Bike Week in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, An estimated two million Michiganders ride bicycles because they are a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and recreation, an excellent form of fitness, and help improve quality of life, sense of place, and connect us all as one Michigan; and

            Whereas, Thousands of people throughout Michigan will experience the joys of bicycling during the month of May through educational programs, commuting events, trail work days, helmet promotions, and charity rides; and

            Whereas, In 2018, thousands of cyclists from across the country will participate in hundreds of organized Michigan cycling events to experience our beautiful scenery, parks, attractions, and historic sites; and

            Whereas, An MDOT study recently reported that cycling provided $668 million per year in economic benefit to Michigan's economy, including employment, retail revenue, tourism expenditure, and increased health and productivity; and

            Whereas, Bicyclists are legal roadway users and teaching bicyclists and motorists to co-exist on the road is important to ensure the safety and comfort of all users; and

            Whereas, Michigan has the most Complete Streets efforts in the nation with more than 100 local ordinances, resolutions, and policies that ensure bicyclists will be accommodated in future transportation projects; and

            Whereas, Michigan is known as The Trails State because of the more than 12,500 miles of designated trails and boasting over 1500 miles of diverse single track and a world-class, IMBA-designated Bronze Level Ride Center in Marquette; and

            Whereas, Michigan has twelve recognized Bicycle Friendly Communities, seven Bicycle Friendly Universities, twenty Bicycle Friendly Businesses, is ranked as the 13th most Bicycle Friendly State by the League of American Bicyclists, and has been recognized as having one of the oldest known established bike clubs formed in the late 1800s; and

            Whereas, Michigan has over 200 bicycle shops, 70 bike clubs, and 30 bicycle-related industries; and

            Whereas, Michigan has three officially designated cross-state U.S. Bicycle Routes (USBR), and was the first state in the country to have newly-designated north-south and east-west USBR. These cross-state USBR total more than 1,000 miles; and

            Whereas, Michigan is the leader of inclusive cycling opportunities, through education and events such as the IRide, Ability Tour, and Celebration of Cycling, which demonstrate everyone can ride; and

            Whereas, Michigan’s own Horatio Earle led the Good Roads Movement that banded millions of American bicyclists together to promote safer cycling, which resulted in the creation of the Michigan State Highway Department (now MDOT) and Woodward Avenue becoming the first mile of concrete highway in the world; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare May 21-25, 2018, as Bike Month in the state of Michigan.