Reps. Yaroch, Allor, Canfield, Chirkun, Clemente, Cochran, Crawford, Ellison, Faris, Gay-Dagnogo, Greig, Howrylak, Jones, Kahle, Liberati, Love, Maturen, Sabo, Sneller, Sowerby, Webber, Wittenberg, Yanez and Zemke offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 320.

            A resolution to declare April 26, 2018, as Stop the Bleed Day in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, The “Stop the Bleed” campaign is a national awareness effort to educate people about the importance of bleeding control measures, encourage all Michigan citizens to participate in the initiative, and learn more about the importance of bleeding-control measures; and

            Whereas, Each year, more than 180,000 people die from traumatic injuries sustained as a result of events including motor vehicle crashes, falls, industrial and farm accidents, natural disasters, and tragic mass casualty events; and

            Whereas, Trauma is the leading cause of death in the United States for individuals under age 44 and the fourth leading cause of death overall; and

            Whereas, The most common preventable cause of death in these situations is the loss of too much blood in the minutes before trained immediate responders arrive; and

            Whereas, Bleeding control is best performed with use of pressure or tourniquets within the initial moments of trauma and anyone can be trained to act as an immediate responder to stop a life-threatening hemorrhage. Military experience has proven that bleeding control techniques result in reduced rates of death from a hemorrhage; and

            Whereas, The “Stop the Bleed” campaign is a call-to-action movement intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives; and

            Whereas, Providing Michigan citizens with the best chance of survival includes educating them with the knowledge and skills to perform immediate bleeding control and encouraging public places to equip bleeding control kits; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 26, 2018, as Stop the Bleed Day in the state of Michigan.