Reps. Lisa Brown, Byrnes, Constan, Gonzales, Robert Jones, Kandrevas, Kennedy, Liss, Lori, Miller, Polidori, Slavens, Smith, Stanley, Switalski, Valentine and Warren offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 309.    

            A resolution to memorialize the United States Senate to take swift actions to enact an extension of unemployment benefits and payments to the states under the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentages program.

            Whereas, The United States Senate's recent failure to provide an extension of unemployment benefits and payments to the states under the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentages (FMAP) funding program has threatened working families across this country and placed states in a most difficult situation. This action, taken within days of most states ending the current fiscal year and as Michigan grapples with its own grave budget situation, could be a crippling blow to the fragile economic recovery. For the workers trying to cope with double digit unemployment and the collapse of housing values, the prospect of the end of unemployment benefits is dire; and

            Whereas, Failure to extend FMAP could create an additional budget shortfall of $500 million in the state of Michigan. The loss of this money would also threaten prescription drug coverage, mental health services, payments to Medicaid providers, revenue sharing, and university funding; and

            Whereas, With the number of people suffering from long-term unemployment in this country already at frightening levels, the determination in the United States Senate not to extend these programs is damaging in many ways. Not only are hundreds of thousands of workers in Michigan alone facing an untenable situation, the stimulating effects of people putting their unemployment benefits directly into the economy will also be lost; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we memorialize the United States Senate to take swift actions to enact an extension of unemployment benefits and payments to the states under the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentages program; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.