Rep. Faris offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 299.

            A resolution to urge the Governor to take additional steps in response to the propane shortage affecting Michigan residents.

            Whereas, A shortage of propane is causing hardship for many Michigan residents. In one of the coldest winters in recent times, many people who use propane as a heating fuel are shivering in their homes due to a shortage of propane. When propane supplies are available, the fuel's current exorbitant price prevents households from fully filling their tanks. Nine percent of Michigan households use propane as the primary space heating fuel. Many of these households are in rural areas and consist of elderly persons. They are being pushed to their limits, faced with subzero temperatures amidst a severe propane shortage; and

            Whereas, While some steps have been taken to alleviate the situation, more must be done to assist affected Michigan residents. The easing of motor carrier restrictions to facilitate propane transport to areas in need has helped the supply chain issues. However, actions are needed to help people struggling to cope with the propane shortage; and

            Whereas, A comprehensive public information campaign informing Michigan residents about ways to conserve energy is needed. Conservation can stretch fuel supplies. Residents should be educated about turning down thermostats, wrapping hot water pipes, repairing weather stripping and caulking, taking showers instead of baths, and forgoing automatic dishwashers; and

            Whereas, The cost to fill propane tanks can be reduced by suspending the collection of fuel taxes on propane for 90 days. Lifting the 15 cents per gallon Michigan propane tax would make a meaningful dent in the cost a struggling resident must pay to fill a 500 gallon tank; and

            Whereas, Funds should be made immediately available to residents who have been affected by the propane shortage. The Michigan Energy Assistance Program can be used to distribute funds to those in need. In light of Michigan's revenue surplus, dedicating $1 million to help struggling homeowners stay warm is a small price to pay; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the Governor to take additional steps in response to the propane shortage affecting Michigan residents; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Office of the Michigan Governor.