Reps. Amash, Ball, Hansen, Lori, Lund, Marleau, Mayes, Nathan, Rogers, Wayne Schmidt and Walsh offered the following resolution:
House Resolution No. 262.
A resolution to urge county road commissions and other local road authorities to examine traffic signal timing in order to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle emissions.
Whereas, Traffic flow is often interrupted by poorly timed traffic signals that are not geared to traffic volumes and daily directional flow. The result is congestion, dirtier air, and unhappy drivers. Intelligent traffic signals are available that work with, and not against, drivers to improve the flow of traffic and reduce congestion. Many Michigan localities have them in place already; and
Whereas, Traffic congestion and vehicles idling at traffic signals negatively affect air quality through increased emissions. Traffic signal control can decrease waiting time at lights and overall travel time, as well as reduce fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. The smart use of traffic signals would save significant time and money and positively affect the environment and traffic safety; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge county road commissions and other local road authorities to examine traffic signal timing in order to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle emissions; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the County Road Association of Michigan.