The Speaker, on behalf of the entire membership of the House of Representatives, offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 257. 

            A resolution for the Honorable Andy Coulouris.

            Whereas, It is with deep appreciation for his professionalism and effectiveness as a public servant that we join in commending and thanking our colleague Representative Andy Coulouris as he brings to a close his service as a member of this legislative body. His intellect, integrity, and commitment to Michigan's future have been appreciated by members and staff alike at the Capitol, and we wish him well in the new challenges that await him; and

            Whereas, A native of Saginaw, Andy Coulouris earned both his bachelor's and law degrees from the University of Michigan. Prior to his election to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2006, he distinguished himself as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Saginaw County, as a member of the Saginaw City Council, and through his work with several community groups; and

            Whereas, As a lawmaker, Representative Coulouris worked diligently to articulate the needs of his Saginaw area district during a period of exceptional economic difficulty. Balancing these needs with the harsh realities of financial pressures, Representative Coulouris provided leadership through his efforts as the chair of the Banking and Financial Services Committee, as vice chair of the Judiciary and Retiree Health Care Reforms Committees for 2007-2008, and in each of his other committee responsibilities; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we offer this expression of our thanks to the Honorable Andy Coulouris as he brings to a close his tenure as State Representative for the Ninety-fifth District; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Representative Coulouris and his family as evidence of our best wishes.