house resolution no.237

Reps. Cavitt, Markkanen, Rigas, Hoadley, Friske, Alexander, Maddock, DeBoyer, Roth, Harris, Beson, Beeler, Mueller, Bierlein, Borton, Bollin, Outman, Kunse, BeGole, Johnsen, St. Germaine, Wozniak, Lightner, Steele, DeSana, Schuette, Posthumus, Bruck, Aragona, Meerman, Neyer, Schriver, Fox, Zorn and Jaime Greene offered the following resolution:

A resolution to urge the Governor to send members of the Michigan National Guard to the Texan southern border, where their support is desperately needed.

Whereas, The United States is facing a logistical and humanitarian crisis at its southern border. Encounters at the southwest land border increased by more than 40 percent from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2023, and by more than 150 percent compared to fiscal year 2019. Since January 2021, there have been more than 7.7 million encounters between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and migrants at the southwest border, in addition to more than 1.8 million known “gotaways.” According to a recent survey, 78 percent of Americans feel that the large number of migrants seeking to cross the border from Mexico into the United States is either a crisis (45 percent) or a major problem (32 percent). This is not only a logistical crisis for our nation’s border control and immigration authorities but also a humanitarian crisis. The consequences of the border security crisis are felt throughout the nation; and

Whereas, The state of Texas has been particularly impacted by the immigration and border security crisis. On May 31, 2021, the Governor of Texas issued a proclamation certifying that “the ongoing surge of individuals unlawfully crossing the Texas-Mexico border poses an ongoing and imminent threat” of harm, as well as constituting “a violation of sovereignty of territorial integrity,” and declared a state of disaster. This border security disaster proclamation has been repeatedly renewed since that date, most recently on April 16, 2024, when the disaster was renewed for 62 counties. Local resources in Texas are overwhelmed by the urgent needs resulting from this crisis, and families will continue to suffer unless action is taken; and

Whereas, Other states across the nation are stepping up to assist the state of Texas in responding to this situation. The Governor of Texas has written to the governors of other states requesting assistance under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, and at least 19 states have sent or plan to send National Guard troops or other aid to the border to help alleviate this crisis. The state of Florida has provided additional resources, including drones and watercraft, for use along the southern border; and

Whereas, Compassion and support for those who need it are foundational tenets of our state. Sending the Michigan National Guard to assist in Texas would not only provide much-needed relief to the overwhelmed local systems but also serve as a testament to those very values; and

Whereas, The Michigan National Guard is world-renowned for its professionalism and skill. The troops’ expertise in logistics, medical assistance, and crowd management would greatly benefit the efforts at the border, helping Texan and federal authorities to finally achieve safety and order; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the Governor to send members of the Michigan National Guard to the Texan southern border, where their support is desperately needed; and be it further

Resolved, That we urge the Governor to stand with other states that have taken action not only in deploying troops but in sending aid to the southern border; and be it further

Resolved, That we urge the Governor to take an active role in combatting the immigration crisis, both by assisting another state in its hour of need and by providing humanitarian relief to the individuals affected; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan.