Reps. Lori, Barnett, LeBlanc, Liss and Slavens offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 230.  

            A resolution to declare April 28, 2012, as Save The Frogs Day in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, Our state is blessed with numerous wetlands, streams, lakes and rivers within its boundaries; and

            Whereas, Numerous species of amphibians and other animals inhabit these wetland areas, and

            Whereas, Amphibians, including the twelve species of frogs indigenous to the state, are among the most threatened animals on the planet, with two hundred species having become extinct in the wild since 1979; and

            Whereas, Frogs provide invaluable services to humans by being an integral part of the natural food web in nature, eating large quantities of ticks, mosquitoes and other pest species that serve to carry diseases that can transmit fatal illnesses to humans; and

            Whereas, As the natural food for many native fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, they provide sustenance to other species that we enjoy; and

            Whereas, Frogs face a multitude of threats, including pollution, pesticides, habitat destruction, climate change, invasive species, infectious disease, and over-harvesting for the pet and bait trades and for food; and

            Whereas, The citizens of the state deserve to have the pleasure to enjoy the sights and sounds of frogs in their native habitats, and amphibian conservation efforts will not be successful without an educated and informed public; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 28, 2012, as Save The Frogs Day in the state of Michigan. We urge all citizens to observe this occasion.