house resolution no.215

Reps. Coffia, Arbit, Brabec, Breen, Byrnes, Fitzgerald, Glanville, Haadsma, Hill, Hood, Hope, Morgan, Morse, Paiz, Rheingans, Weiss, Witwer and Young offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare March 2024 as Social Work Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Social work is a profession dedicated to truly and genuinely helping people; and

Whereas, The primary mission of social work is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic and complex needs of all people; and

Whereas, Social workers put a particular focus on helping people who are vulnerable, oppressed, or living in poverty; and

Whereas, Social workers follow a code of ethics that calls on them to fight injustice, and respect the dignity and worth of all people; and

Whereas, Social workers meet people where they are and help people and communities reach their full potential; and

Whereas, For more than a century, the social work profession has worked to improve this society, with social workers playing a role in establishing a minimum wage, Social Security, and Medicare, and working to ensure equal rights for all; and

Whereas, Social workers work in all facets of our society, including schools, hospitals, community organizations, the military, mental health centers, social service agencies, corporations, and local, state, and federal government; and

Whereas, Social workers are on the frontlines in helping this nation solve pressing social problems, including an increased demand for mental health services, an opioid addiction crisis, and economic inequality; and

Whereas, Social workers are in high demand, with some states reporting shortages in staffing and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting that social work will be one of the fastest growing professions in our nation during this decade; and

Whereas, A 2023 public opinion survey found that social work has a public approval rating of more than 80 percent and more than half of Americans say social workers deserve higher pay; and

Whereas, The 2024 Social Work Month theme, “Empowering Social Workers” embodies the need for our society to support social workers so they can continue to do the life-affirming work they do and help address societal needs; and

Whereas, Social workers in turn empower people, communities, and our nation, helping everyone achieve their full potential; and

Whereas, There are over 30,000 licensed social workers in the state of Michigan; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare March 2024 as Social Work Month in the state of Michigan. In recognition of the numerous contributions made by Michigan’s social workers, we call upon all citizens to join us in celebration and support of the social work profession and social workers across our state.