house resolution no.211

Reps. Rheingans, Brabec, Breen, Glanville, Haadsma, Hill, Hood, Koleszar, Liberati, Morgan, Paiz, Weiss, Wilson and Witwer offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare April 1-7, 2024, as National Public Health Week in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Public health promotes positive living conditions for the people and their communities; and 

Whereas, Other aspects of public health are dedicated to protecting and researching the health of communities; and

Whereas, Public health plays a vital role towards equity through education, research, and action in communities, including vulnerable populations; and

Whereas, The work focuses strongly on patient care through compassion, innovation, and inclusion; and

Whereas, For hundreds of years, public health has evolved to meet the needs of communities by focusing on public health standards, research on disease prevention, violence prevention, and health equity; and

Whereas, A public health worker utilizes evidence based practices and research to best create preventative measures, prepare for, minimize, and recover from the impact of a full range of health threats; and

Whereas, From the University of Michigan, a reported 98% of public health professionals after 2020 are employed or continuing education within one year of graduation, adding to the clever work this profession accomplishes in an abundant job market; and

Whereas, The American Public Health Association, founded in 1872 to advance the work of public health professionals, honors these professionals annually; now, therefore, be it

     Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 1-7, 2024, as National Public Health Week in the state of Michigan. We recognize the numerous contributions made by America's public health professionals.