Rep. Yaroch offered the following resolution:

House Resolution No. 176.

A resolution to declare October 8-14, 2017, as Fire Prevention Week in Michigan.

Whereas, Last year, home fires killed more than 91 Michigan citizens. According to the National Fire Incident Reporting System, fire departments throughout the state responded to 12,063 home fires in 2016; and

Whereas, Families today have a much smaller window of time to escape a home fire safely, as little as one-two minutes to escape from the time the smoke alarm sounds due to newer homes burning faster and toxic gases and smoke being produced by today’s building materials; and

Whereas, A home fire escape plan provides the skill set and know-how to quickly and safely escape a home fire situation; and  

Whereas, Families are urged to develop and map out a home fire escape plan that includes two exits from every room in the home, a path to the outside from each exit and designated meeting place; and

Whereas, Michigan’s first responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention, protection, and education so families can take personal steps to increase their safety from fire in their homes; and

Whereas, The 2017 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Every Second Counts: Plan 2 Ways Out” effectively serves to educate the public about the vital importance of developing a home fire escape plan; now, therefore, be it further

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare October 8-14, 2017, as Fire Prevention Week in the state of Michigan. We urge all the people of Michigan to develop a home fire escape plan with all members of the household and practice it twice a year and to participate in the many public safety activities and efforts of their community’s fire and emergency services during Fire Prevention Week 2017.