Rep. Zemke offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 96.

            A resolution to urge the Governor to establish a Cyber Security Task Force to review federal and state cyber security laws and policies for inconsistencies.

            Whereas, Cyber security threats have increased in volume and sophistication and include attacks on networks and the theft of data and personal information. Thousands of infected webpages are discovered every day and hundreds of millions of records have been involved in data breaches; and

            Whereas, Malicious users have launched attacks on computer networks, successfully preventing legitimate users from accessing needed systems or applications and even forcing the shut-down of corporate or government websites. Such attacks could adversely impact critical services such as police communications, EMS, or public utility functions; and

            Whereas, A Cyber Security Task Force would consider Michigan's role in promoting cyber innovation and recommend a comprehensive framework and strategic plan for cyber security innovation, including recovery from cyber-attack. The task force would be charged with recommending ways to attract private investment and promote innovation through public and private partnerships, research and development, workforce training, and education; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the Governor to establish a Cyber Security Task Force to review federal and state cyber security laws and policies for inconsistencies; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor.