Rep. Calley offered the following resolution:
House Resolution No. 96.
A resolution to declare May 14-20, 2017, as InfantSee Week in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, The most critical stages of vision development occur in the first year of a child’s life; and
Whereas, Undetected eye and vision problems can lead to permanent vision impairment or loss of life; and
Whereas, One in 10 children is at risk from undiagnosed eye and vision problems; and
Whereas, One in 30 children will be affected by amblyopia, a leading cause of vision loss in people younger than 45 years; and
Whereas, Undetected vision problems can contribute to a decrease in a child’s quality of life and may lead to developmental and behavioral difficulties which impede classroom learning, as well as increase the costs to society; and
Whereas, Early detection of vision problems is the best way to treat and prevent permanent vision impairment; and
Whereas, Member optometrists of the American Optometric Association and The Vision Care Institute of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., have partnered to create InfantSee, a public health program to provide a one-time, no-cost eye assessment for infants six to twelve months; now therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare the week of May 14-20, 2017, as InfantSee Week in the state of Michigan. We commend the members of the Michigan Optometric Association and the profession of optometry on the ninth anniversary of the InfantSee program for voluntarily dedicating their expertise and services to the infants of Michigan; and be it further
Resolved, We encourage parents to schedule an InfantSee assessment for their infants.