Reps. Manoogian, Afendoulis, LaFave, Cherry, Warren, Whitsett, Pagan, Tyrone Carter, Anthony, Liberati, Garza, Kennedy, Robinson, Haadsma, Wittenberg, Cambensy, Hope, Berman, Love, Frederick, Camilleri, LaGrand, Stone, Koleszar, Pohutsky, Bolden, Chirkun, Crawford, Gay-Dagnogo, Hammoud, Jones, Kuppa, Rabhi, Rendon, Shannon, Sneller, Sowerby and Tate offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 76.

            A resolution to declare April 24, 2019, as a Day of Remembrance in the state of Michigan for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.

            Whereas, The state of Michigan recognizes that the Armenian Genocide occurred from 1915 to 1923. Armenians, as well as Greeks, Assyrian-Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians were subject to torture, starvation, mass murder, and exile from their historic homeland. Over 1.5 million lost their lives. The Armenian Genocide represented a deliberate attempt by the Ottoman Empire to eliminate all traces of a thriving, noble civilization; and

            Whereas, The majority of the Armenian population was displaced from their homes and forced to escape to neighboring and far away communities and countries. Many refugees fled to the United States. Today, Michigan is honored to be home to a vibrant Armenian-American population of more than 17,000 Michiganders. This thriving community is a proud reminder of survival and perseverance in the face of extreme injustice; and

            Whereas, Michigan Armenian churches and community organizations have organized numerous charity and community drives across the state, including, but not limited to, providing college scholarships for deserving students and serving Armenian refugee communities across the state; and

            Whereas, By recognizing and consistently remembering the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust and all cases of past and ongoing genocide, we help protect historic memory, ensure that similar atrocities do not occur again, and remain vigilant against hatred, persecution and tyranny; and

            Whereas, Armenian communities around the world commemorate this tragedy on April 24, 2019. On this day, we honor the victims and survivors of the Genocide and reaffirm our commitment to preventing future atrocities from being committed against any people; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 24, 2019, as a Day of Remembrance in the state of Michigan for the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.