Reps. Ellison, Chirkun, Clemente, Crawford, Elder, Haadsma, Hertel, Hope, Jones, Kuppa, Lasinski, Manoogian, Rabhi, Shannon, Sneller, Sowerby, Stone, Warren, Whitsett and  Wittenberg offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 63.  

            A resolution to recognize the historic, cultural and religious significance of the festival of Vaisakhi and to declare April 14, 2019, as Vaisakhi Day in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, The Vaisakhi festival has been celebrated in the Punjab region of South Asia for centuries and today is also celebrated in communities throughout India, in the United States, and in Michigan; and

            Whereas, Vaisakhi is an annual festival celebrating the spring harvest season; and

            Whereas, The Vaisakhi Mela Celebration in southeast Michigan attracts hundreds of attendees from across the state; and

            Whereas, Vaisakhi is of particular significance to the Sikh religion and is one of the most important dates in Sikh history. For Sikhs, Vaisakhi commemorates the creation of the Khalsa, a fellowship of devout Sikhs, by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699; and

            Whereas, In Michigan, there are at least 11 Sikh societies and Gurdwaras throughout Michigan. The Sikh Society in Michigan has been recognized since 2003 and is the first established Gurdwara Sahib in Michigan. Vaisakhi is an important religious festival for Sikhs in Michigan and around the world; and

            Whereas, Vaisakhi is a long-established harvest festival in the Punjab and has a long celebration history in the Sikh religion; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body recognize the historic, cultural and religious significance of the festival of Vaisakhi and declare April 14, 2019, as Vaisakhi Day in the state of Michigan.