Reps. Miller, Ball, Terry Brown, Byrnes, Constan, Cushingberry, Dean, DeShazor, Durhal, Geiss, Gonzales, Green, Gregory, Haugh, Robert Jones, Kurtz, Lahti, Leland, Marleau, Mayes, Meadows, Moss, Neumann, Proos, Rocca, Roy Schmidt, Smith, Spade, Valentine, Warren and Young offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 60.

A resolution recognizing April 2009 as Multiple Birth Awareness Month in the state of


Whereas, The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc., Twins Magazine and the Fetal Hope Foundation have joined with local organizations to establish and celebrate April as the first annual National Multiple Birth Awareness Month; and

Whereas, Multiple births are on the rise.  The number of live births in twin deliveries rose 1 percent between 2004 and 2005 to 133,122 births; this number has almost doubled since 1980 (from 68,339).  In 2005, there were also 6,208 triplets, 418 quadruplets and 68 quintuplets born nationwide; and

Whereas, This month will be used to spread awareness about the issues that families of multiple births face including what to know when expecting multiples, twin-to-twin transfusion Syndrome and other fetal issues directly affecting multiple birth pregnancies, premature births and low birth weights, multiples with special needs; the exception physical and bonding demands placed on parents, and the separation of multiples in classrooms; and

Whereas, There are many local support groups for parents of multiples.  By raising awareness of multiple births, this month also encourages parents of multiples or who are expecting multiples to seek out the resources and support found with local mothers of twins clubs, through their prenatal care provider, pediatrician, local hospital or the Michigan Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs.  These clubs are established to serve parents or guardians of multiple birth children through education, research and fellowship; and  

Whereas, We join with the many parents of multiples to celebrate the joys and challenges they face in raising their twins, triplets or more and support efforts to educate our communities about the needs and challenges of multiple birth children; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body recognize and celebrate the month of April 2009 as Multiple Birth Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.