house resolution no.45

Reps. Brabec, Aiyash, Breen, Brixie, Garza, Hope, Liberati, Morse, Rogers, Scott, Shannon and Weiss offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare March 2021 as National Social Work Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, The social work profession for decades has been dedicated to improving human well-being and enhancing the basic needs of all people, especially the most vulnerable among us; and 

Whereas, This year’s Social Work Month theme, “Social Workers Are Essential,” embodies the heroic contributions of the social work profession to our nation, including the work social workers have done to heal our nation during these times of pandemic, racial unrest, economic uncertainty, and political divisiveness; and

Whereas, Social workers have always been present in times of crisis, helping people overcome issues such as death and grief and helping people and communities recover from natural disasters such as fires, hurricanes and earthquakes; and

Whereas, Social workers have helped this nation live up to its values by successfully advocating for equal rights for all people; and

Whereas, School social workers have worked with families and schools throughout the pandemic to ensure students reach their full academic and personal potential; and

Whereas, Social workers work in all parts of our society to empower people to live to their fullest potential; and

Whereas, Social workers play a crucial role in our nation’s health care system and have played a key role in this nation’s response to COVID-19 and helping individuals, families, and communities cope with the epidemic; and

Whereas, Social workers are one of the largest groups of mental health care providers in the United States and work daily to help people, whether in person or remotely, overcome substance use disorders and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety; and

Whereas, The social work profession is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States, with nearly 800,000 people expected to be employed as social workers by 2029; and

Whereas, Social workers will continue to stand ready to assist our nation in overcoming present and future challenges; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare March 2021 as National Social Work Month in the state of Michigan.