house resolution no.28

Reps. Martin, Kunse, Mueller, Fink, Greene, Beson, Bollin, Neyer, Steele, Alexander, BeGole, Tyrone Carter, Glanville, Haadsma, Hope, Rheingans, Rogers, Schuette and Wilson offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare February 2023 as Career and Technical Education Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, A competitive economy requires workers who are prepared for skilled professions; and

Whereas, Career and technical education (CTE) training matches employability skills with workforce demand and provides relevant academic and technical coursework leading to industry-recognized credentials for secondary, post-secondary, and adult learners; and

Whereas, CTE ensures that competitive and skilled workers are ready, willing, and capable of holding jobs in high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand career fields such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics, nursing, allied health, construction, information technology, energy sustainability, and many other career fields that are vital in keeping Michigan competitive in our global economy; and

Whereas, Investing in CTE training for Michigan schools helps meet the very real and immediate challenges of economic development, student achievement, and competitiveness; and

Whereas, Providing real-world training to Michigan students during their secondary education gives them experience in multiple career field opportunities, and

Whereas, Over 529,000 Michigan job openings are projected through the year 2028, with a current median wage of nearly $59,000 per year for skilled trades jobs that do not require a bachelor's degree yet increasingly require some level of postsecondary education; and

Whereas, Over 106,000 Michigan high school students were enrolled in CTE during the 2021-2022 school year, and more than 95% of Michigan students who focused their education in CTE go on to participate in postsecondary educational opportunities, seek further advanced career and technical education training, volunteer for military service, or find employment within a year of graduation; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare February 2023 as Career and Technical Education Month in the state of Michigan. We urge continued awareness of career and technical training for the students of Michigan to ensure the sustainability of Michigan’s workforce for the years to come; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan and the State Superintendent.