Rep. Miller offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 21.

            A resolution to memorialize the members of the Michigan congressional delegation to vote for the stimulus package and to work to maximize job creation for Michigan.

            Whereas, The recession that has gripped our country has heightened the challenges that have been facing the people and businesses of Michigan. The impact of the loss of manufacturing in our country and the global forces that have burdened Michigan have been made worse by the credit crisis and the erosion of the housing sector. Michigan's double digit unemployment rate – the highest in  the country – makes it clear that our state has a greater stake in economic stimulus efforts than any other state in the nation. The exceptional historic concentration of manufacturing in Michigan, as well as the rate of foreclosures that is damaging so many of our communities, brings a strong sense of urgency to this entire matter; and

            Whereas, The ongoing debates in Washington over the specifics of the economic stimulus legislation being considered by Congress must remain focused on the items that will create jobs. It is incumbent upon our Michigan congressional delegation to take every step possible to focus on provisions that will put people to work to build a better future not only for the workers and their families, but for our state and nation. Ideas that may be of merit but are not targeted to creating jobs should not dilute the stimulus legislation as it works through the legislative process; and

            Whereas, Working together for the common goal of job creation in Michigan, our congressional delegation has the potential to strengthen the legislation. An unshakable commitment to projects that put people to work to address vitally important needs can avoid the waste not only of money, but also of critically important time and energy; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we memorialize the members of the Michigan congressional delegation to vote for the stimulus package and to work to maximize job creation for Michigan; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.