October 2, 2014, Introduced by Rep. McMillin and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.


     A joint resolution applying to the congress of the United


States to call a convention to propose an amendment to the


constitution of the United States to create a congressional


delegation oversight committee and provide for its powers and





     Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of


the state of Michigan:


     Section 1. The legislature of the state of Michigan hereby


makes application to the congress of the United States of America,


under the provisions of article V of the constitution of the United


States, for the call of a convention for proposing amendments.


     Section 2. This application is for a convention limited to


considering amendments proposing the following:


     (a) All federal departments and agencies shall expire if said


departments and agencies are not individually reauthorized in


stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years by a majority


vote of the House of Representatives and the Senate.


     (b) All executive branch regulations exceeding an economic


burden of $100,000,000.00, as determined jointly by the government


accountability office and the congressional budget office, shall be


submitted to a permanent joint committee of congress, hereafter the


congressional delegation oversight committee, for review and


approval prior to their implementation.


     (c) The committee shall consist of seven members of the House


of Representatives, four chosen by the speaker and three chosen by


the minority leader; and seven members of the Senate, four chosen


by the majority leader and three chosen by the minority leader. No


member shall serve on the committee beyond a single three-year




     (d) The committee shall vote no later than six months from the


date of the submission of the regulation to the committee. The


committee shall make no change to the regulation, either approving


or disapproving the regulation by majority vote as submitted.


     (e) If the committee does not act within six months from the


date of the submission of the regulation to the committee, the


regulation shall be considered disapproved and must not be


implemented by the executive branch.


     Section 3. This application shall be deemed an application for


a convention to address each and any of the subjects in section 2.


For purposes of determining whether two-thirds of the states have


applied for a convention addressing any subject, this application


is to be aggregated with the applications of any other state


legislatures limited to one or more of the subjects in section 2.


     Section 4. This is a continuing application and remains in


effect until rescission by any sitting session of the legislature


of this state. This application does not constitute a recognition


that any particular activity or activities currently undertaken by


the federal government is or are authorized by the constitution.


     Section 5. Resolved further, That the secretary of state shall


transmit copies of this application to the president and secretary


of the United States Senate, to the speaker and clerk of the United


States House of Representatives, to the archivist of the United


States, and to each member of this state's delegation to the


congress and that printed copies be sent to each house of each


state legislature in the United States.