Rep. Lauwers offered the following concurrent resolution:

            House Concurrent Resolution No. 30.  

            A concurrent resolution to urge the Great Lakes Commission to study and take a formal position on the proposed underground nuclear waste repository in Ontario, Canada and to study the potential impacts of this facility and similar facilities on the Great Lakes and on the people that depend on the lakes.

            Whereas, The Great Lakes Commission is a public agency established by the Great Lakes Basin Compact in 1955 to speak as a unified voice for the Great Lakes states and provinces in their mission for a healthy and vibrant Great Lakes region. The Commission takes positions on issues of regional importance. These science-based positions are built on collaboration with others and encourage regional economic prosperity and environmental protection; and

            Whereas, The proposal by Ontario Power Generation to construct an underground, long-term burial facility for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, which is less than a mile from the shore of Lake Huron, is a regionally important issue. Placing a permanent nuclear waste burial facility so close to the Great Lakes shoreline is a matter of serious concern for the inhabitants of the Great Lakes states and provinces. A leak or breach of radioactivity from this waste facility could damage the ecology of the lakes. Tens of millions of United States and Canadian citizens depend on the lakes for drinking water, fisheries, tourism, recreation, and other industrial and economic uses; and

            Whereas, We are concerned about this proposed radioactive waste facility and the siting of any such facility so near the Great Lakes. Under Michigan's Constitution, it is the duty of the legislative branch of government to protect the state's natural resources in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of Michigan's citizens; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That we urge the Great Lakes Commission to study and take a formal position on the proposed underground nuclear waste repository in Ontario, Canada and to the potential impacts of this facility and similar facilities on the Great Lakes and on the people that depend on the lakes; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Great Lakes Commission, the members of the Michigan delegation to the Great Lakes Commission, and the commissioners of the International Joint Commission.