Rep. Maturen offered the following resolution:

            House Concurrent Resolution No. 3.  

            A concurrent resolution to urge the U.S. Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency to select the Fort Custer Training Center as the location for a new ground based interceptor ballistic missile defense mission.

            Whereas, The Fort Custer Training Center is one of four sites being considered for a new ground based interceptor ballistic missile defense mission. The training center is a 7,500 acre training base for the U.S. Army Reserves and other branches of the military. The training center and the nearby Air National Guard Base are integral to the economy of Southwest Michigan providing more than $22 million in total wages and salaries and $26 million in gross regional product. The community surrounding the Fort Custer Training Center embraces the soldiers and their families, supporting their missions and realizing how important their duties are to our nation; and

            Whereas, The selection of the training center as the location for a new ground based interceptor ballistic missile defense mission would have significant economic impact on the region. An estimated $700 million in new construction and 2,100 new direct and associated jobs could be realized in the Calhoun and Kalamazoo counties if the defense system were built here. An analysis prepared by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research advises the project would have a $3.2 billion economic impact on the region's economy; and

            Whereas, The ground based interceptor ballistic missile defense system is the key defense tool protecting our state and nation from ballistic missile attacks. The placement of the ballistic missile defense system in Battle Creek will take full advantage of Fort Custer's tactical location and security. Michigan is prepared to support the construction and operation of the new missile defense system, as well as the military personnel who will maintain it; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senate concurring), That we urge the U.S. Department of Defense, Missile Defense Agency to select the Fort Custer Training Center as the location for a new ground based interceptor ballistic missile defense mission; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the United States Missile Defense Agency, the United States Secretary of Defense, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.