Introduced by Rep. Kahle




AN ACT to amend 1937 PA 94, entitled “An act to provide for the levy, assessment, and collection of a specific excise tax on the storage, use, or consumption in this state of tangible personal property and certain services; to appropriate the proceeds of that tax; to prescribe penalties; and to make appropriations,” by amending section 4k (MCL 205.94k), as amended by 2012 PA 429.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 4k. (1) The tax levied under this act does not apply to the use of an aircraft by a domestic air carrier if the aircraft has a maximum certificated takeoff weight of at least 6,000 pounds and is used solely in the transport of air cargo, passengers, or a combination of air cargo and passengers.

  1. The tax levied under this act does not apply to the sale of parts or materials, excluding shop equipment or fuel, affixed or to be affixed to an aircraft.

  2. The tax levied under this act does not apply to the sale of an aircraft temporarily located in this state for the purpose of a sale and prepurchase evaluation, customization, improvement, maintenance, or repair if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

    1. The aircraft leaves this state within 15 days after the sale and the completion of any prepurchase evaluation, customization, improvement, maintenance, or repair that is associated with the sale, whichever is later.

    2. The aircraft was not based in this state or registered in this state before the sale and any prepurchase evaluation, customization, improvement, maintenance, or repair associated with the sale is completed and the aircraft is not based in this state or registered in this state after the sale and any prepurchase evaluation, customization, improvement, maintenance, or repair associated with the sale is completed.

  3. For taxes levied after December 31, 1992, the tax levied under this act does not apply to the storage, use, or consumption of rolling stock used in interstate commerce and purchased, rented, or leased by an interstate fleet motor carrier. A refund for taxes paid before January 1, 1997 shall not be paid under this subsection if the refund claim is made after June 30, 1997.

  4. For taxes levied after December 31, 1996 and before May 1, 1999, the tax levied under this act does not apply to the product of the out-of-state usage percentage and the price otherwise taxable under this act of a qualified truck or a trailer designed to be drawn behind a qualified truck, purchased, rented, or leased in this state by an interstate fleet motor carrier and used in interstate commerce.

  5. As used in this section:

    1. “Aircraft” means an aerial vehicle that is used in aviation, other than an unmanned aerial vehicle.

    2. “Based in this state” means hangared or stored in this state for not less than 10 days in not less than 3 nonconsecutive months during the immediately preceding 12-month period.

    3. “Customization” means any improvement, maintenance, or repair that is performed on an aircraft that is associated with the sale of the aircraft.

    4. “Domestic air carrier” means a person engaged primarily in the commercial transport for hire of air cargo, passengers, or a combination of air cargo and passengers as a business activity.

    5. “Interstate fleet motor carrier” means a person engaged in the business of carrying persons or property, other than themselves, their employees, or their own property, for hire across state lines, whose fleet mileage was driven at least 10% outside of this state in the immediately preceding tax year.

    6. “Out-of-state usage percentage” is a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of miles driven outside of this state in the immediately preceding tax year by qualified trucks used by the taxpayer and the denominator of which is the total miles driven in the immediately preceding tax year by qualified trucks used by the taxpayer. Miles driven by qualified trucks used solely in intrastate commerce shall not be included in calculating the out-of-state usage percentage.

    7. “Prepurchase evaluation” means an examination of an aircraft to provide a potential purchaser with information relevant to the potential purchase.

    8. “Qualified truck” means a commercial motor vehicle power unit that has 2 axles and a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 10,000 pounds or a commercial motor vehicle power unit that has 3 or more axles.

    9. “Registered in this state” means an aircraft registered with the state transportation department, bureau of aeronautics or registered with the Federal Aviation Administration to an address located in this state.

    10. “Rolling stock” means a qualified truck, a trailer designed to be drawn behind a qualified truck, and parts or other tangible personal property affixed to or to be affixed to and directly used in the operation of either a qualified truck or a trailer designed to be drawn behind a qualified truck.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days after the date it is enacted into law. This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Secretary of the Senate

Approved Governor