November 12, 2020, Introduced by Rep. Sabo and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.

A bill to amend 1966 PA 261, entitled

"An act to provide for the apportionment of county boards of commissioners; to prescribe the size of the board; to provide for appeals; to prescribe the manner of election of the members of the county board of commissioners; to provide for compensation of members; to prescribe penalties and provide remedies; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,"

by amending sections 11 and 11a (MCL 46.411 and 46.411a), section 11 as amended by 2002 PA 158.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 11. A candidate for the office of county commissioner shall must be a resident and registered voter of the district that he or she seeks to represent and shall must remain a resident and registered voter to hold his or her office, if elected. Nominations and elections for commissioners shall must be by partisan elections. In order for the name of a candidate for nomination for the office of county commissioner to appear on the official primary ballot, a nominating petition or $100.00 a nonrefundable filing fee shall of $100.00 must be filed with the county clerk. The nominating petition shall must have been signed by a number of qualified and registered electors residing within the district as determined under section 544f of the Michigan election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.544f. The deadline for filing nomination petitions or filing fees is the same as for a candidate for state representative. A person An individual who has been convicted of a violation of section 12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a, is not eligible to be a county commissioner for 20 years after the conviction.

Sec. 11a. For candidates paying a A nonrefundable filing fee paid to the county clerk in lieu of filing petitions under section 11 , the filing fees shall must be returned to all such candidates who shall be nominated and to a like number of candidates who are next highest in order thereto in the number of votes received in the primary election; and in case 2 or more candidates shall tie in having the lowest number of votes allowing a refund hereunder, the sum of $100.00 shall be divided or prorated among them. The deposits of all other defeated candidates, as well as the deposits of all candidates who may withdraw or be disqualified, shall be forfeited and the candidates shall be notified of the forfeitures.deposited in the general fund of the county and must be used only for the purchase and maintenance of voting equipment.