Substitute For


A bill to amend 1893 PA 58, entitled

"An act to provide for selecting seats for members in the hall of the house of representatives,"

by amending section 1 (MCL 4.61).

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 1. (1) As a part of the organization of the house of representatives upon on the first day of the first regular session of each legislature, the clerk shall allocate the seats in the hall of the house shall be selected by the members in a manner as follows: The clerk shall call the names of the members having the greatest total length of service in the house who shall select a seat. In like manner, the clerk shall call the names of members in the order of their total length of service in the house, who shall select seats of their choice not already selected, down to and including those members commencing their second terms. If there are 2 or more members who have an equal length of service the clerk shall prepare a list of their names and place opposite each name a number, which shall be drawn by lottery as prescribed in this section for members entering their first terms. The clerk shall then prepare a list of members entering upon their first terms, listing the names of such members alphabetically and placing opposite each name numbers in consecutive order from 1, using as many numbers as are necessary. A box shall be provided in which shall be deposited numbered white balls, which shall bear the same numbers as those appearing on said list. A boy or girl, selected by the clerk, then being blindfolded shall draw from the box 1 ball and hand it to the clerk, who shall announce the number on the ball, and the clerk shall call the member's name found on the list opposite the corresponding number, who shall then select a seat not previously selected. In like manner all members entering upon their first terms shall select seats. Any representative-elect necessarily absent on the first day of the session may, in writing, appoint any representative to select a seat for him, and if no one appears for such absent representative-elect, then the clerk of the house shall make a selection for him, when his name is called.between the political parties whose members were duly elected to the office of state representative at the immediately preceding general election.

(2) The majority leader of the house of representatives shall assign each member of the majority caucus to a seat. The minority leader of the house of representatives shall assign each member of the minority caucus to a seat.

(3) If any member is not assigned a seat under subsection (2), the majority leader of the house of representatives shall assign that member to a seat.

(4) The assignments to a seat under this section must be printed in the house journal.