November 28, 2012, Introduced by Rep. Farrington and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 9f (MCL 211.9f), as amended by 2010 PA 274.




     Sec. 9f. (1) The governing body of an eligible local assessing


district or, subject to subsection (4), the board of a next


Michigan development corporation in which an eligible local


assessing district is a constituent member may adopt a resolution


to exempt from the collection of taxes under this act all new


personal property owned or leased by an eligible business located


in 1 or more eligible districts or distressed parcels designated in


the resolution or an eligible next Michigan business as provided in


this section. The clerk of the eligible local assessing district or


the recording officer of a next Michigan development corporation


shall notify in writing the assessor of the local tax collecting


unit in which the eligible district or distressed parcel is located


and the legislative body of each taxing unit that levies ad valorem


property taxes in the eligible local assessing district in which


the eligible district or distressed parcel is located. Before


acting on the resolution, the governing body of the eligible local


assessing district or a next Michigan development corporation shall


afford the assessor and a representative of the affected taxing


units an opportunity for a hearing.


     (2) The exemption under this section is effective on the


December 31 immediately succeeding the adoption of the resolution


by the governing body of the eligible local assessing district or a


next Michigan development corporation and, except as otherwise


provided in subsection (8), shall continue in effect for a period


specified in the resolution. However, an exemption shall not be


granted under this section after December 31, 2012 for an eligible


business located in an eligible district identified in subsection


(8)(e)(ix) (9)(f)(ix) or in an eligible local assessing district


identified in subsection (8)(g)(ii)(9)(h)(ii). A copy of the


resolution shall be filed with the state tax commission, the state


treasurer, and the president of the Michigan strategic fund. A


resolution is not effective unless approved as provided in


subsection (3).


     (3) Not more than 60 days after receipt of a copy of the


resolution adopted by the governing body of an eligible local


assessing district under subsection (1), the state tax commission


shall determine if the new personal property subject to the


exemption is owned or leased by an eligible business and if the


eligible business is located in 1 or more eligible districts. If


the state tax commission determines that the new personal property


subject to the exemption is owned or leased by an eligible business


and that the eligible business is located in 1 or more eligible


districts, the state treasurer, with the written concurrence of the


president of the Michigan strategic fund, shall approve the


resolution adopted under subsection (1) if the state treasurer and


the president of the Michigan strategic fund determine that


exempting new personal property of the eligible business is


necessary to reduce unemployment, promote economic growth, and


increase capital investment in this state. In addition, for an


eligible business located in an eligible local assessing district


described in subsection (8)(g)(ii), (9)(h)(ii), the resolution


adopted under subsection (1) shall be approved if the state


treasurer and the president of the Michigan strategic fund


determine that granting the exemption is a net benefit to this


state, that expansion, retention, or location of an eligible


business will not occur in this state without this exemption, and


that there is no significant negative effect on employment in other


parts of this state as a result of the exemption.


     (4) A next Michigan development corporation may only adopt a


resolution under subsection (1) exempting new personal property


from the collection of taxes under this act for new personal


property located in a next Michigan development district. A next


Michigan development corporation shall not adopt a resolution under


subsection (1) exempting new personal property from the collection


of taxes under this act without a written agreement entered into


with the eligible next Michigan business subject to the exemption,


which written agreement contains a remedy provision that includes,


but is not limited to, all of the following:


     (a) A requirement that the exemption under this section is


revoked if the eligible next Michigan business is determined to be


in violation of the provisions of the written agreement.


     (b) A requirement that the eligible next Michigan business may


be required to repay all or part of the personal property taxes


exempted under this section if the eligible next Michigan business


is determined to be in violation of the provisions of the written




     (5) Subject to subsection subsections (6) and (8), if an


existing eligible business sells or leases new personal property


exempt under this section to an acquiring eligible business, the


exemption granted to the existing eligible business shall continue


in effect for the period specified in the resolution adopted under


subsection (1) for the new personal property purchased or leased


from the existing eligible business by the acquiring eligible


business and for any new personal property purchased or leased by


the acquiring eligible business.


     (6) After December 31, 2007, an exemption for an existing


eligible business shall continue in effect for an acquiring


eligible business under subsection (5) only if the continuation of


the exemption is approved in a resolution adopted by the governing


body of an eligible local assessing district or the board of a next


Michigan development corporation in which the eligible local


assessing district is a constituent member.


     (7) Notwithstanding the amendatory act that added section


2(1)(c), all of the following shall apply to an exemption under


this section that was approved by the state tax commission on or


before April 30, 1999, regardless of the effective date of the




     (a) The exemption shall be continued for the term authorized


by the resolution adopted by the governing body of the eligible


local assessing district and approved by the state tax commission


with respect to buildings and improvements constructed on leased


real property during the term of the exemption if the value of the


real property is not assessed to the owner of the buildings and




     (b) The exemption shall not be impaired or restricted with


respect to buildings and improvements constructed on leased real


property during the term of the exemption if the value of the real


property is not assessed to the owner of the buildings and




     (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the


contrary, if new personal property exempt under this section on


December 31, 2011 is eligible manufacturing personal property, that


eligible manufacturing personal property shall remain exempt under


this section until that eligible manufacturing personal property


would otherwise be exempt from the collection of taxes under this


act under section 9m, 9n, or 9o.


     (9) (8) As used in this section:


     (a) "Acquiring eligible business" means an eligible business


that purchases or leases assets of an existing eligible business,


including the purchase or lease of new personal property exempt


under this section, and that will conduct business operations


similar to those of the existing eligible business at the location


of the existing eligible business within the eligible district.


     (b) "Authorized business" means that term as defined in


section 3 of the Michigan economic growth authority act, 1995 PA


24, MCL 207.803.


     (c) "Eligible manufacturing personal property" means that term


as defined in section 2 of the personal property tax exemption


reimbursement act.


     (d) (c) "Distressed parcel" means a parcel of real property


located in a city or village that meets all of the following




     (i) Is located in a qualified downtown revitalization district.


As used in this subparagraph, "qualified downtown revitalization


district" means an area located within 1 or more of the following:


     (A) The boundaries of a downtown district as defined in


section 1 of 1975 PA 197, MCL 125.1651.


     (B) The boundaries of a principal shopping district or a


business improvement district as defined in section 1 of 1961 PA


120, MCL 125.981.


     (C) The boundaries of the local governmental unit in an area


that is zoned and primarily used for business as determined by the


local governmental unit.


     (ii) Meets 1 of the following conditions:


     (A) Has a blighted or functionally obsolete building located


on the parcel. As used in this sub-subparagraph, "blighted" and


"functionally obsolete" mean those terms as defined in section 2 of


the brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL




     (B) Is a vacant parcel that had been previously occupied.


     (iii) Is zoned to allow for mixed use.


     (e) (d) "Eligible business" means, effective August 7, 1998, a


business engaged primarily in manufacturing, mining, research and


development, wholesale trade, office operations, or the operation


of a facility for which the business that owns or operates the


facility is an eligible taxpayer. For purposes of a next Michigan


development corporation, eligible business means only an eligible


next Michigan business. Eligible business does not include a


casino, retail establishment, professional sports stadium, or that


portion of an eligible business used exclusively for retail sales.


Professional sports stadium does not include a sports stadium in


existence on June 6, 2000 that is not used by a professional sports


team on the date of the resolution adopted pursuant to subsection


(1). As used in this subdivision, "casino" means a casino regulated


by this state pursuant to the Michigan gaming control and revenue


act, 1996 IL 1, MCL 432.201 to 432.226, and all property associated


or affiliated with the operation of a casino, including, but not


limited to, a parking lot, hotel, motel, or retail store.


     (f) (e) "Eligible district" means 1 or more of the following:


     (i) An industrial development district as that term is defined


in 1974 PA 198, MCL 207.551 to 207.572.


     (ii) A renaissance zone as that term is defined in the Michigan


renaissance zone act, 1996 PA 376, MCL 125.2681 to 125.2696.


     (iii) An enterprise zone as that term is defined in the


enterprise zone act, 1985 PA 224, MCL 125.2101 to 125.2123.


     (iv) A brownfield redevelopment zone as that term is designated


under the brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL


125.2651 to 125.2672.


     (v) An empowerment zone designated under subchapter U of


chapter 1 of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 1391 to




     (vi) An authority district or a development area as those terms


are defined in the tax increment finance authority act, 1980 PA


450, MCL 125.1801 to 125.1830.


     (vii) An authority district as that term is defined in the


local development financing act, 1986 PA 281, MCL 125.2151 to




     (viii) A downtown district or a development area as those terms


are defined in 1975 PA 197, MCL 125.1651 to 125.1681.


     (ix) An area that contains an eligible taxpayer.


     (x) A next Michigan development district.


     (g) (f) "Eligible distressed area" means 1 of the following:


     (i) That term as defined in section 11 of the state housing


development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1411.


     (ii) An area that contains an eligible taxpayer.


     (h) (g) "Eligible local assessing district" means a city,


village, or township that contains an eligible distressed area or


that is a party to an intergovernmental agreement creating a next


Michigan development corporation, or a city, village, or township


that meets 1 or more of the following conditions and is located in


a county all or a portion of which borders another state or Canada:


     (i) Is currently served by not fewer than 4 of the following


existing services:


     (A) Water.


     (B) Sewer.


     (C) Police.


     (D) Fire.


     (E) Trash.


     (F) Recycling.


     (ii) Is party to an agreement under 1984 PA 425, MCL 124.21 to


124.30, with a city, village, or township that provides not fewer


than 4 of the following existing services:


     (A) Water.


     (B) Sewer.


     (C) Police.


     (D) Fire.


     (E) Trash.


     (F) Recycling.


     (i) (h) "Eligible next Michigan business" means that term as


defined in section 3 of the Michigan economic growth authority act,


1995 PA 24, MCL 207.803


     (j) (i) "Eligible taxpayer" means a taxpayer that meets both


of the following conditions:


     (i) Is an authorized business.


     (ii) Is eligible for tax credits described in section 9 of the


Michigan economic growth authority act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.809.


     (k) (j) "Existing eligible business" means an eligible


business identified in a resolution adopted under subsection (1)


for which an exemption has been granted under this section.


     (l) (k) "New personal property" means personal property that


was not previously subject to tax under this act or was not


previously placed in service in this state and that is placed in an


eligible district after a resolution under subsection (1) is


approved. As used in this subdivision, for exemptions approved by


the state treasurer under subsection (3) after April 30, 1999, new


personal property does not include buildings described in section


14(6) and personal property described in section 8(h), (i), and




     (m) (l) "Next Michigan development corporation" and "next


Michigan development district" mean those terms as defined under


the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2951 to

