October 19, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Runestad, Darany, Johnson, Graves, Kelly, Chatfield, Hooker, Howell, Glenn, Barrett, Somerville, Tedder, Cole, Vaupel and Robinson and referred to the Committee on Criminal Justice.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 350, entitled


"Public employee retirement benefits forfeiture act,"


by amending sections 2, 3, and 4 (MCL 38.2702, 38.2703, and


38.2704), sections 2 and 4 as amended by 1996 PA 467.




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Felony arising out of his or her service as a public


employee" means 1 or more of the following:


     (i) A felony resulting from the misuse of public funds.


     (ii) A felony resulting from the receipt of a bribe or other


financial benefit in that person's individual's capacity as a


public employee.


     (b) "Member" means a member, vested former member, or deferred


member, or participant of a retirement system.


     (c) "Retirant" means a person an individual who has retired

with a retirement benefit payable from a retirement system.


     (d) "Retirement benefit" means an annuity, a retirement


allowance, a pension, a benefit from employer contributions to a


defined contribution plan, an optional benefit, a postretirement


benefit, and any other right accrued or accruing to a member under


a retirement system. Retirement benefit does not include health


benefits provided to a retirant or his or her beneficiaries by a


retirement system.


     (e) "Retirement system" means a public employee retirement


system established by this state or a political subdivision of this




     Sec. 3. A member or retirant who is convicted of or who enters


a nolo contendere plea accepted by a court for a felony arising out


of his or her service as a public employee is considered to have


breached the public trust and may have his or her rights to an


otherwise vested retirement benefit and all accumulated employer


contributions, including earnings on the employer contributions,


standing to that person's credit in the retirement system forfeited


as provided in this act. This act applies only to the retirement


system of which the person individual was a member or retirant at


the time the felony was committed and only to the retirement system


established by the entity affected by the felony.


     Sec. 4. (1) If a member or retirant is convicted of or enters


a nolo contendere plea accepted by the court for a felony arising


out of his or her service as a public employee, the court may shall


order forfeiture as provided in this section. If a court orders


forfeiture under this section, the order shall must contain all of

the following, as applicable:


     (a) The portion of the member's or retirant's retirement


benefit under a retirement system established by that person's


individual's employer at the time the act or acts that resulted in


the felony were committed that accrued to that the member or


retirant on or after the date the first act that resulted in the


felony was committed is forfeited.


     (b) The employer contributions to a member's or retirant's


individual account under a defined contribution plan established by


the retirement system, including earnings on the employer


contributions, on or after the date the first act that resulted in


the felony was committed are forfeited.


     (c) (b) The member's or retirant's accumulated contributions


standing to that person's individual's credit in the individual


account established for that purpose in the retirement system shall


must be refunded to the member or retirant.


     (d) (c) The Except for a retirement benefit that is a benefit


from employer contributions to a defined contribution plan


forfeited under subdivision (b), the retirement system shall pay to


an individual, if any, who would otherwise be a beneficiary of the


member or retirant whose retirement benefit is being forfeited


under this act an actuarially equivalent monthly retirement


allowance at the age that the member or retirant would have become


eligible for unreduced retirement benefits under that retirement




     (e) (d) The retirement system shall provide hospitalization


and medical coverage insurance to the member or retirant whose

retirement benefit is being forfeited under this act and to his or


her beneficiaries in the same manner and under the same


restrictions as is provided to other retirants and beneficiaries of


that retirement system.


     (2) If a court enters an order described in subsection (1),


the clerk of the court shall deliver the order to the retirement

