February 23, 2010, Introduced by Rep. LeBlanc and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


     A bill to make appropriations for the department of state


police and certain other state purposes for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2011; to provide for the expenditure of those


appropriations; to provide for certain reports and the


consideration of those reports; to provide for the disposition of


other income received by the various state agencies; to provide for


certain emergency powers; to provide for the powers and duties of


certain committees, certain state agencies, and certain employees;


and to provide for the acquisition and disposition of certain real


and personal property.








     Sec. 101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this bill,


the amounts listed in this part are appropriated for the department


of state police for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, from


the funds indicated in this part. The following is a summary of the


appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 1.0


   Full-time equated classified positions........ 2,757.0


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    533,690,500


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers............................................        24,443,500


ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $    509,247,000


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................       104,487,200


   Special revenue funds:


Total local revenues...................................         7,677,600


Total private revenues.................................           273,300


Total state restricted revenues........................       137,878,400


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    258,930,500




   Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 1.0


   Full-time equated classified positions........... 42.5


Unclassified positions................................. $        150,000


Executive direction--21.0 FTE positions................         2,481,400


Special operations and events--17.5 FTE positions......         2,055,000


Auto theft prevention program--4.0 FTE positions.......        8,052,800


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     12,739,200


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDTR, casino gaming fees...........................            27,500


IDT, truck safety fund.................................            10,100


   Special revenue funds:


Auto theft prevention fund.............................         8,052,800


Criminal justice information center service fees.......            72,300


Forensic science reimbursement fees....................            11,400


Highway safety fund....................................            47,300


Motor carrier fees.....................................            38,000


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................             5,400


Nuclear plant emergency planning reimbursement.........             9,800


State forensic laboratory fund.........................            11,800


Traffic law enforcement and safety fund................            60,500


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      4,392,300




Special maintenance and utilities...................... $        447,600


Rent and building occupancy charges....................         9,843,000


Worker's compensation..................................         3,309,600


Fleet leasing..........................................        13,180,700


In-service training - law enforcement distribution.....           450,000


In-service training - competitive......................         1,000,000


Narcotics investigation funds..........................          265,100


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     28,496,000


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG, training academy charges..........................           283,500


IDT, Michigan justice training fund....................         1,450,000


   Federal revenues:


DHS....................................................           177,500


DOT....................................................            25,200


Federal narcotics investigation revenues...............            95,000


   Special revenue funds:


Criminal justice information center service fees.......           199,500


Forensic science reimbursement fee.....................           100,700


Hazardous materials training center fees...............           105,100


Highway safety fund....................................             7,800


Michigan justice training fund.........................            29,800


Motor carrier fees.....................................             7,500


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................           170,100


Secondary road patrol and training fund................            17,900


State forensic laboratory fund.........................           100,700


Traffic law enforcement and safety fund................            15,400


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     25,710,300




Full-time equated classified positions............ 196.5


Management services--136.0 FTE positions............... $     13,893,500


Training administration--32.0 FTE positions............         5,946,800


Budget and financial services--24.5 FTE positions......         2,705,900


Office of justice program grants--4.0 FTE positions....        8,504,300


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     31,050,500


   Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG, training academy charges..........................         3,382,300


IDG-MDOC, contract.....................................            50,000


IDG-MDOS...............................................             2,000


IDG-MDOT, state trunkline fund.........................             3,000


IDG-MDTR, casino gaming fees...........................           107,500


IDG-MDTR, emergency telephone fund coordinator.........           536,500


IDG-MDTR, emergency telephone fund operations..........           478,600


IDT, auto theft funds..................................             2,500


IDT, truck safety fund.................................            30,800


   Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................           380,100


DOJ interest bearing...................................         8,124,200


DOT....................................................           487,800


   Special revenues funds:


Local - LEIN fees......................................             3,800


Local - MPSCS subscriber and maintenance fees..........            28,100


Local – school bus revenue.............................             1,700


Criminal justice information center service fees.......           817,900


Forensic science reimbursement fees....................            36,000


Highway safety fund....................................           179,500


Michigan justice training fund.........................             3,700


Motor carrier fees.....................................           156,700


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................            27,400


Nuclear plant emergency planning reimbursement.........            39,300


Precision driving track fees...........................           287,200


Reimbursed services....................................         1,301,700


State forensic laboratory fund.........................            36,100


State services fee fund................................            13,500


Traffic law enforcement and safety fund................           234,300


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     14,298,300




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 30.0


State program planning and administration--8.0 FTE


   positions............................................ $      1,060,400


Secondary road patrol program--2.0 FTE positions.......        11,840,300


Truck safety program--1.0 FTE position.................         3,009,500


Federal highway traffic safety coordination--19.0


   FTE positions........................................       12,612,900


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     28,523,100


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................           579,000


DOT....................................................        12,564,000


   Special revenue funds:


Secondary road patrol and training fund................        11,840,300


Truck driver safety fund...............................         3,009,500


State general fund/general purpose..................... $        530,300




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 128.0


Criminal justice information center division--108.0


   FTE positions........................................ $     11,039,500


Criminal records improvement--1.0 FTE position.........         2,251,700


Traffic safety--19.0 FTE positions.....................        1,923,300


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     15,214,500


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDOS...............................................           337,200


IDG-MDOT, state trunkline fund.........................           874,600


   Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................         2,251,700


DOT....................................................           519,000


   Special revenue funds:


Criminal justice information center service fees.......        10,478,300


Motor carrier fees.....................................           112,500


Sex offender registration fund.........................            63,100


Traffic crash revenue..................................            80,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $        498,100




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 269.5


Laboratory operations--212.0 FTE positions............. $     28,618,000


DNA analysis program--57.5 FTE positions...............         8,280,500


Marquette laboratory...................................               100


Detroit laboratory.....................................              100


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     36,898,700


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................         4,217,500


DOT....................................................           655,900


Federal narcotics investigation revenues...............           510,200


   Special revenue funds:


Criminal justice information center service fees.......         3,210,200


Forensic science reimbursement fees....................         1,515,900


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................         1,705,000


State forensic laboratory fund.........................         1,795,500


State services fee fund................................         9,587,500


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     13,701,000






   Full-time equated classified positions........... 22.0


Standards and training/justice training grants--20.0


   FTE positions........................................ $      9,032,700


Concealed weapons enforcement training.................           100,000


Training only to local units--2.0 FTE positions........           627,900


Mental health awareness training.......................           100,000


Public safety officers benefit program.................          150,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     10,010,600


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDOC, contract.....................................           100,000


   Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................           175,000


   Special revenue funds:


Concealed weapons enforcement fee......................           100,000


Licensing fees.........................................             9,100


Michigan justice training fund.........................         8,028,600


Secondary road patrol and training fund................           627,900


State general fund/general purpose..................... $        970,000




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 80.5


Emergency management planning and


   administration--31.0 FTE positions................... $      5,468,800


Grants to local government.............................         2,482,100


FEMA program assistance--18.0 FTE positions............         4,948,300


Nuclear power plant emergency planning--6.0 FTE


   positions............................................         1,816,000


Hazardous materials programs--25.5 FTE positions.......       47,481,700


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     62,196,900


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


DHS....................................................        55,681,100


DOT....................................................           584,800


   Special revenue funds:


Hazardous materials training center fees...............         1,508,200


Nuclear plant emergency planning reimbursement.........         1,816,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      2,606,800




   Full-time equated classified positions........ 1,380.0


Uniform services--372.0 FTE positions.................. $     44,907,800


Reimbursed services....................................         1,879,500


At-post troopers--1,008.0 FTE positions................      142,432,100


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    189,219,400


    Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


Criminal justice information center service fees.......           785,600


Highway safety fund....................................        15,421,800


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................         1,033,600


Secondary road patrol and training fund................         2,200,000


State police service fees..............................         1,879,500


Traffic law enforcement and safety fund................        29,097,100


Trooper school recruitment fund........................             1,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    138,800,800




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 61.0


Operational support--54.0 FTE positions................ $      7,054,500


Aviation program--7.0 FTE positions....................        1,507,800


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      8,562,300


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDOC, contract.....................................           105,300


   Special revenue funds:


Private donations......................................           273,300


Rental of department aircraft..........................            51,800


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      8,131,900




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 342.0


Criminal investigations--217.0 FTE positions........... $     30,739,600


Federal antidrug initiatives--65.5 FTE positions.......         8,874,100


Reimbursed services, materials, and equipment--0.5


   FTE positions........................................         2,689,300


Auto theft prevention--13.0 FTE positions..............         1,439,600


Casino gaming oversight--32.0 FTE positions............         4,715,100


Fire investigation--14.0 FTE positions.................         1,719,900


Fire investigation training to locals..................            50,000


Parole absconder sweeps................................           10,900


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     50,238,500


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDTR, casino gaming fees...........................         4,715,100


IDT, auto theft funds..................................         1,040,000


    Federal revenues:


DOJ....................................................         3,732,800


DOJ (ARRA).............................................         2,000,000


Federal investigations - reimbursed services...........           764,100


Federal narcotics investigation revenues...............           499,300


   Special revenue funds:


Local - reimbursed services............................         1,925,200


Forfeiture funds.......................................           576,600


Michigan merit award trust fund........................           629,900


Narcotics investigation revenues.......................           719,100


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     33,636,400




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 205.0


Motor carrier enforcement--101.0 FTE positions......... $     11,369,200


Truck safety enforcement team operations--10.0 FTE


   positions............................................         1,392,300


Safety inspections--63.0 FTE positions.................         7,052,400


School bus inspections--4.0 FTE positions..............           450,000


Safety projects--10.0 FTE positions....................         1,737,500


Traffic services--17.0 FTE positions...................        5,198,400


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     27,199,800


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDOT, state trunkline fund.........................         9,075,000


IDT, truck safety fund.................................         1,392,300


   Federal revenues:


DOT....................................................         9,088,900


   Special revenue funds:


Local – school bus revenue.............................           450,000


Drunk driving prevention and training fund.............         1,180,700


Motor carrier fees.....................................         4,422,400


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      1,590,500




Information technology services and projects...........        20,203,000


Michigan public safety communications system...........       13,138,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     33,341,000


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG, training academy charges..........................             8,500


IDG-MDOS...............................................             4,500


IDG-MDOT, state trunkline fund.........................           250,600


IDG-MDTR, casino gaming fees...........................            91,100


IDG-MDTR, emergency telephone fund coordinator.........             4,700


IDG-MDTR, emergency telephone fund operations..........            64,500


IDT, auto theft funds..................................             5,700


IDT, truck safety fund.................................            10,100


   Federal revenues:


DHS....................................................           619,500


DOJ....................................................           539,700


DOT....................................................           214,900


   Special revenue funds:


Local - AFIS fees......................................            77,400


Local - LEIN fees......................................         3,549,600


Local - MPSCS subscriber and maintenance fees..........         1,639,900


Local – school bus revenue.............................             1,900


Commercial mobile radio service fees...................         5,000,000


Criminal justice information center service fees.......         5,479,700


Drunk driving prevention and training fund.............             1,900


Forensic science reimbursement fees....................            66,100


Hazardous materials training center fees...............             1,900


Highway safety fund....................................            49,200


Michigan justice training fund.........................            44,600


Michigan merit award trust fund........................             1,000


Motor carrier fees.....................................           257,400


Narcotics investigation revenue........................            13,100


Nuclear plant emergency planning reimbursement.........             4,900


Precision driving track fees...........................               300


Reimbursed services....................................           157,400


Secondary road patrol and training fund................           397,400


Sex offender registration fund.........................           216,300


State forensic laboratory fund.........................           162,800


State services fee fund................................            30,300


Traffic crash revenue..................................           231,300


Traffic law enforcement and safety fund................            79,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     14,063,800












     Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources


under part 1 for fiscal year 2010-2011 is $396,808,900.00 and state


spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2010-2011 is $17,266,900.00. The


itemized statement below identifies appropriations from which


spending to local units of government will occur:






Secondary road patrol program.......................... $     11,721,900




Training only to local units........................... $        410,800


Standards and training/justice training grants......... $      4,605,600




Fire investigation training to locals.................. $         50,000




Management services.................................... $        478,600


Total.................................................. $     17,266,900


     Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this bill are


subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101


to 18.1594.


     Sec. 203. As used in this bill:


     (a) "AFIS" means the automated fingerprint identification




     (b) "ARRA" means American recovery and reinvestment act.


     (c) "Department" means the department of state police.


     (d) "DHS" means the United States department of homeland




     (e) "DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid.


     (f) "DOJ" means the United States department of justice.


     (g) "DOT" means the United States department of




     (h) "FEMA" means the federal emergency management agency.


     (i) "FTE" means full-time equated.


     (j) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


     (k) "IDT" means intradepartmental transfer.


     (l) "LEIN" means law enforcement information network.


     (m) "MCOLES" means the Michigan commission on law enforcement




     (n) "MDCH" means the Michigan department of community health.


     (o) "MDOC" means the Michigan department of corrections.


     (p) "MDOS" means the Michigan department of state.


     (q) "MDOT" means the Michigan department of transportation.


     (r) "MDTR" means the Michigan department of treasury.


     (s) "MPSCS" means the Michigan public safety communications




     Sec. 204. The civil service commission shall bill departments


and agencies at the end of the first fiscal quarter for the charges


authorized by section 5 of article XI of the state constitution of


1963. Payments shall be made for the total amount of the billing by


the end of the second fiscal quarter.


     Sec. 208. The department shall use the Internet to fulfill the


reporting requirements of this bill. This requirement may include


transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include


placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.


     Sec. 209. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for


the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if


competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or


services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to


goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses, if they are competitively priced and of comparable


quality. In addition, preference should be given to goods or


services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality.


     Sec. 210. The director shall take all reasonable steps to


ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for


and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The


director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department


contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and


deprived communities for services or supplies, or both.


     Sec. 218. Funds appropriated in part 1 for at-post troopers


shall only be expended for trooper salaries, wages, benefits,


retirement, equipment, supplies, and other expenses directly


related to state troopers assigned to general law enforcement


duties at a department post, detachment, satellite office, or a


resident trooper function.


     Sec. 223. (1) Due to the current budgetary problems in this


state, out-of-state travel shall be limited to situations in which


1 or more of the following conditions apply:


     (a) The travel is required by legal mandate or court order or


for law enforcement purposes.


     (b) The travel is necessary to protect the health or safety of


Michigan citizens or visitors or to assist other states in similar




     (c) The travel is necessary to produce budgetary savings or to


increase state revenues, including protecting existing federal


funds or securing additional federal funds.


     (d) The travel is necessary to comply with federal




     (e) The travel is necessary to secure specialized training for


staff that is not available within this state.


     (f) The travel is financed entirely by federal or nonstate




     (2) Not later than January 1 of each year, each department


shall prepare a travel report listing all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately


preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with


funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be


submitted to the senate and house of representatives standing


committees on appropriations, the senate and house fiscal agencies,


and the state budget director. The report shall include the


following information:


     (a) The name of each person receiving reimbursement for travel


outside this state or whose travel costs were paid by this state.


     (b) The destination of each travel occurrence.


     (c) The dates of each travel occurrence.


     (d) A brief statement of the reason for each travel




     (e) The transportation and related costs of each travel


occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general


fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state


restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


     (f) A total of all out-of-state travel funded for the


immediately preceding fiscal year.


     Sec. 234. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a


principal executive department, state agency, or authority to hire


a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of


the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to legal


services for bonding activities and for those activities that the


attorney general authorizes.


     Sec. 240. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,


there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for


federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $3,500,000.00 for state


restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for local


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this bill


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for private


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this bill


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     Sec. 241. The department shall provide $1,800,000.00 in Byrne


justice assistance grant program funding to the judiciary by


interdepartmental grant.




     Sec. 301. The money appropriated in part 1 for computer


services shall be funded by LEIN user fees sufficient to pay 1/3 of


the state's service and contract maintenance costs of the LEIN.


     Sec. 302. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for


information technology, departments and agencies shall pay user


fees to the department of technology, management, and budget for


technology-related services and projects. Such user fees shall be


subject to provisions of an interagency agreement between the


department and agencies and the department of technology,


management, and budget.




     Sec. 401. On a bi-annual basis, the department shall report to


the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on state police


and military and veterans affairs on the status of assessments


collected and authorized under section 629e of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.629e, for the purposes of supporting the


secondary road patrol grant program. Each bi-annual report shall


contain updated information on collection levels, revised projected


grant allotments to counties for the year, a comparison of


projected collections and grant distribution levels with the funds


appropriated in part 1 for the secondary road patrol program, and


the extent collection levels have exceeded or failed to meet


appropriated levels for the current fiscal year or expenditure


levels from the previous fiscal year.




     Sec. 501. When changes are made to the department’s protocol


for retaining and purging DNA analysis samples and records, the


department shall distribute an updated copy to every police agency


in the state.




     Sec. 601. The money appropriated to the MCOLES for maintenance


and delivery of training to locals is provided in accordance with a


state reimbursement policy in which 100% of the determined state


reimbursement rate shall be distributed upon certification by the




     Sec. 603. The appropriation in part 1 for mental health


awareness training and coordination shall be expended for training


law enforcement officers, mental health practitioners, and other


criminal justice personnel in effective and safe ways of assisting


people with mental illness and directing people with mental


disorders to treatment programs.




     Sec. 801. (1) The state director of emergency management may


expend money appropriated under this bill to call upon any agency


or department of the state or any resource of the state to protect


life or property or to provide for the health or safety of the


population in any area of the state in which the governor proclaims


a state of emergency or state of disaster under 1945 PA 302, MCL


10.31 to 10.33, or under the emergency management act, 1976 PA 390,


MCL 30.401 to 30.421. The state director of emergency management


may expend the amounts the director considers necessary to


accomplish these purposes. The director shall submit to the state


budget director as soon as possible a complete report of all


actions taken under the authority of this section. The report shall


contain, as a separate item, a statement of all money expended that


is not reimbursable from federal money. The state budget director


shall review the expenditures and submit recommendations to the


legislature in regard to any possible need for a supplemental




     (2) In addition to the money appropriated in this bill, the


department may receive and expend money from local, private,


federal, or state sources for the purpose of providing emergency


management training to local or private interests and for the


purpose of supporting emergency preparedness, response, recovery,


and mitigation activity. If additional expenditure authorization in


the Michigan administrative information network is approved by the


state budget office under this section, the department and the


state budget office shall notify the house and senate


appropriations subcommittees on state police and military and


veterans affairs and the house and senate fiscal agencies within 10


days after the approval. The notification shall include the amount


and source of the additional authorization, the date of its


approval, and the projected use of funds to be expended under the






     Sec. 901. State police enlisted personnel who are employed to


enforce traffic laws as provided in section 629e of the Michigan


vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.629e, shall not be prohibited


from responding to crimes in progress or other emergency


situations, and are responsible for protecting every citizen of


this state from harm.




     Sec. 1002. Money privately donated to the department is


appropriated under part 1 to be used for the purposes designated by


the donor of the money. Money privately donated to the department's


canine unit shall be used to purchase equipment and other items to


enhance the operation of the canine unit.