May 31, 2012, Introduced by Reps. Price and Horn and referred to the Committee on Commerce.


     A bill to amend 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1, entitled


"Michigan employment security act,"


by amending section 22 (MCL 421.22), as amended by 2005 PA 17.




     Sec. 22. (a) If an employer subject to this act transfers any


of the assets of the business by any means otherwise than in the


ordinary course of trade and there is not substantially common


ownership, management, or control of the transferor and the


transferee, the transfer shall be deemed a "transfer of business"


for the purposes of this section if the commission determines both


of the following:


     (1) That the transferee is an employer subject to this act on


the transfer date, has become subject to this act as of the


transfer date under section 41(2)(a) or elects to become subject to


this act as of the transfer date under section 25.


     (2) That the transferee has acquired and used the transferor's


trade name or good will, or that the transferee has continued or


within 12 months after the transfer resumed all or part of the


business of the transferor either in the same establishment or


elsewhere. An employer shall not be considered to be a transferee


for purposes of this subdivision if the employer continues or


resumes operation of the business upon reacquiring the business


assets due to the purchaser's default on a purchase agreement


between the employer and the purchaser.


     (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a transfer of assets to a


transferee that involves less than 75% of the transferor's assets


shall not be deemed a transfer of business unless all of the


following occur:


     (1) The commission is notified of the transfer of assets by


the transferor or transferee within 30 days after the end of the


quarter in which the transfer occurred.


     (2) The commission receives within 30 days after its request


written approval by the transferor and transferee of an experience


account transfer determined in accordance with the provisions of


subsection (c).


     (3) In the case of a transferee who elects under section 25 to


become subject as of the transfer date, the commission receives the


election within 30 days after the mailing of a notice of the right


to elect.


     (c) (1) In the case of a transfer of business as defined in


subsection (a) or (b), the commission shall assign the transferor's


experience account, or a pro rata part of the account, to the


transferee. The commission shall make the assignment as of the date


on which the business is transferred or as of June 30 of the year


in which the business was transferred, whichever date is earlier.


The pro rata part of the transferor's experience account to be


assigned to the transferee shall be determined on the basis of the


percentage relationship to the nearest 1/2 of 1% that the insured


payroll for the 4 completed calendar quarters immediately before


the date of transfer properly allocable to the transferred portion


of the business bears to the insured payroll for the same period


allocable to the entire business of the transferor immediately


before the date of the transfer.


     (2) When the commission transfers an employer's experience


account in whole or in part under this section, it shall also


transfer a proportionate share of the amount of the total wages and


wages subject to contributions under this act paid by the


transferor and properly allocable to the transfer of business; and


the transferred account shall be chargeable for all benefit


payments based on employment in the business or portion of the


business transferred.


     (3) In determining whether the transferee qualifies for a


contribution rate that includes a chargeable benefits component


under section 19, the experience of the transferred account shall


be included as part of the experience of the transferee's


experience account. If on the date of the transfer the transferee


qualified for a contribution rate that includes a chargeable


benefits component and the transferor did not qualify because of


the provisions of section 19(a)(1), the transferee shall not


thereby lose the qualified status.


     (d) In the case of a transfer of business as defined in


subsection (a) or (b), of this section, contribution rates are


determined as follows:


     (1) The rates of contributions applicable to the transferor


and transferee for the calendar year after the calendar year of the


transfer shall be respectively determined in accordance with


section 19. In case of a transfer of part of an employer's


experience account under subsection (c), the rate of contributions


applicable to the transferor and transferee shall not be changed


for the portion of the current calendar year remaining on the


transfer date. In case of a transfer of an employer's entire


experience account under subsection (c), all of the following




     (i) The transferor shall have no further interest in the


experience account.


     (ii) The transferor's coverage shall be terminated as of the


effective date of the transfer under section 24(b).


     (iii) If the transferor again becomes an employer as defined in


section 41 in the same calendar year in which coverage is


terminated, the transferor's contribution rate for the remainder of


the calendar year shall be 2.7% as provided in section 19.


     (iv) The rate of contributions applicable to the transferee


shall not be changed for the portion of the current calendar year


remaining on the transfer date.


     (2) A transferee that has no rate of contributions applicable


immediately before the transfer date shall, beginning with the


first day of the quarter in which the transfer occurs, be assigned


the same rate of contributions that applied to the transferor on


the date of the transfer and a contribution rate of 2.7% for any


portion of the calendar year before the first day of the quarter in


which the transfer occurs.


     (3) If transfers of businesses simultaneously involve 2 or


more transferors and a single transferee who has no rate of


contributions applicable immediately before the transfer date, the


transferee shall be assigned a contribution rate beginning with the


first day of the quarter in which the transfers occur based upon


the experience account percentage determined by the transferred


experience account balances and the total and insured payrolls


properly allocable to the transferee as of the date on which the


businesses were transferred, or as of June 30 of the year in which


the businesses were transferred, whichever is earlier, and a


contribution rate of 2.7% for any portion of the calendar year


before the first day of the quarter in which the transfers occur.


If none of the transferors was an employer entitled to an adjusted


contribution rate, then a contribution rate of 2.7% shall apply to


the transferee for the calendar year in which the transfers occur.