May 01, 2024, Introduced by Reps. Jaime Greene, Bruck, St. Germaine, Borton, Rigas, Markkanen, DeBoer, Schuette, Zorn, DeBoyer, Hoadley, Martin, Kunse, Mentzer, McFall, Price, Arbit, Steckloff, Schmaltz, Beson, Schriver, Harris, Steele, Posthumus, Smit, Rheingans, Roth, Bierlein, BeGole, Alexander and Meerman and referred to the Committee on Military, Veterans and Homeland Security.

A bill to create a Michigan Army National Guard and Air National Guard apprenticeship program; and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state governmental officers and entities.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 1. This act may be cited as the "Michigan Army National Guard and Air National Guard apprenticeship act".

Sec. 3. As used in this act:

(a) "GI bill" means the post-9/11 veterans educational assistance act of 2008, Public Law 110-252.

(b) "Member" means a member of the Michigan Army National Guard or Air National Guard.

(c) "Program" means the Michigan Army National Guard and Air National Guard apprenticeship program created pursuant to section 5.

(d) "Registered apprenticeship" means a registered apprenticeship under the national apprenticeship act, 29 USC 50 to 50c, approved through the Office of Apprenticeship in the United States Department of Labor, that is selected for inclusion in the program by the department of military and veterans affairs in coordination with the department of labor and economic opportunity and the Michigan veterans affairs agency.

Sec. 5. (1) The department of military and veterans affairs shall create and operate a Michigan Army National Guard and Air National Guard apprenticeship program to assist members in applying qualifying military training and experience in the Michigan Army National Guard or Air National Guard toward receiving a certificate of completion of a registered apprenticeship from the United States Department of Labor. Subject to section 3(d) and subsections (5) and (6), the department of military and veterans affairs shall coordinate with all of the following to create and operate the program and to register the Michigan Army National Guard and Air National Guard as registered apprenticeship program sponsors with the United States Department of Labor:

(a) The local veterans employment representative in the department of labor and economic opportunity.

(b) The strategy director, employment analyst, or education analyst in the Michigan veterans affairs agency.

(c) The state approving agency for GI bill approvals of the created registered apprenticeships.

(d) Any successor departments or agencies of the departments and agencies described in subdivisions (a) through (c).

(2) The program must be a no-cost benefit to members. The program must be designed so that successful completion of the program results in a member receiving a certificate of completion of a registered apprenticeship. Successful completion includes completing required on-the-job learning hours and meeting all other requirements of the registered apprenticeship. On-the-job learning must occur during duty hours under the direction of the member's supervisor. To the greatest extent possible, the department of military and veterans affairs shall align training under the program with apprenticeship programs as defined by the United States Department of Labor.

(3) The program must emphasize and encourage the completion of registered apprenticeships that match jobs listed in the Michigan top hot 50 job list published by the department of technology, management, and budget.

(4) A member who seeks to participate in the program must apply for the program in a manner determined by the department of military and veterans affairs and be approved by an individual in that member's chain of command as determined by the adjutant general. A member is eligible to participate in the program if that member holds a military occupational specialty or air force specialty code that is compatible to be applied toward a registered apprenticeship and meets any other requirements as determined by the department of military and veterans affairs.

(5) The department of military and veterans affairs, the department of labor and economic opportunity, and the department of technology, management, and budget shall coordinate to do both of the following:

(a) Identify the military occupational specialties and air force specialty codes that match jobs listed in the Michigan top hot 50 job list published by the department of technology, management, and budget.

(b) Synchronize the job titles and descriptions used by each department to ensure that members receive appropriate credit for on-the-job learning under the program.

(6) The state approving agency for GI bill approvals shall conduct the necessary GI bill approvals for the program.

Sec. 7. The department of military and veterans affairs shall promulgate rules to implement this act under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.