May 17, 2016, Introduced by Rep. Lucido and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 59, entitled


"Condominium act,"


by amending section 107 (MCL 559.207), as amended by 2000 PA 379,


and by adding section 70; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 70. (1) The association of co-owners or its board of


directors shall call an annual budget meeting. Notice of the time,


date, and place of the meeting shall be sent by United States mail


or electronic mail to each co-owner not less than 15 or more than


30 days before the meeting. The notice shall include a proposed


budget. The notice shall state that the primary purpose of the


meeting is to approve a budget for the association of co-owners,


but that other business may be conducted. Approval of the budget


requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the co-owners. Co-

owners shall vote in person and not by proxy.


     (2) If a quorum is not achieved at a meeting under subsection


(1), a second meeting shall be called subject to the same


requirements as provided in subsection (1). If a quorum is not


achieved at the second meeting, the proposed budget shall be


considered to be approved.


     (3) If a quorum is achieved at a meeting under subsection (1)


or (2) and the budget is rejected by a majority of the co-owners,


the association board shall prepare a revised proposed budget and


call a new meeting of the association. Subsections (1) and (2)


apply to the new meeting. If the revised proposed budget is


rejected by a majority of the co-owners, a new budget shall not be


approved for that fiscal year.


     (4) The current budget shall remain in effect until a new


budget is approved by the association.


     (5) This subsection does not apply to a budget produced by a


developer in the first year of the association, before the


transitional control date.


     Sec. 107. (1) A co-owner may maintain an action against the


association of co-owners and its officers and directors to compel


these persons to enforce the terms and provisions of the


condominium documents. In such a proceeding, the association of co-


owners or the co-owner, if successful, shall recover the costs of


the proceeding and reasonable attorney fees, as determined by the


court, to the extent that the condominium documents expressly so




     (2) A co-owner may request the assistance of the administrator

in resolving a dispute with the association of co-owners or its


officers or directors arising from an alleged violation of the


condominium documents, the association bylaws, this act, or rules


promulgated under this act. The administrator may do any of the




     (a) Investigate the alleged violation.


     (b) Seek resolution of the dispute.


     (c) Request the prosecuting attorney of the county in which


the property is located or the department of the attorney general


to bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the


association of co-owners or its officers or directors for


injunctive or other appropriate relief for a violation described in


this subsection.


     (3) The administrator shall stablish and implement


confidential complaint, investigatory, informational, educational,


and referral procedures and programs for co-owners.


     (4) A co-owner may maintain an action against any other co-


owner for injunctive relief or for damages or any combination


thereof for noncompliance with the terms and provisions of the


condominium documents, or this act, or rules promulgated under this




     Enacting section 1. Section 139 of the condominium act, 1978


PA 59, MCL 559.239, is repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.