March 20, 2024, Introduced by Rep. Maddock and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

A bill to amend 2001 PA 266, entitled

"Grade A milk law of 2001,"

by amending section 68 (MCL 288.538), as amended by 2008 PA 136.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 68. (1) Only Except as otherwise provided under subsection (5), only pasteurized milk and milk products shall can be offered for sale or sold, directly or indirectly, to the final consumer or to restaurants, grocery stores, or similar establishments.

(2) All Except as otherwise provided under subsection (5), all milk and milk products shall must be pasteurized according to the requirements of the pasteurized milk ordinance and the time-temperature relationships described in the pasteurized milk ordinance.

(3) All dairy plant by-products used for feeding purposes for farm animals shall must be pasteurized or be derived from pasteurized products when specified by the director.

(4) Milk and milk products may be aseptically processed as low-acid foods provided they comply with the following requirements:

(a) All thermally processed milk and milk products that are packaged in hermetically sealed containers shall must be processed in a milk processing facility licensed under this act, the manufacturing milk law of 2001, or the food law of 2000.

(b) All processors of acidified milk and milk products packaged in hermetically sealed containers shall comply with the regulations of the U.S. food and drug administration United States Food and Drug Administration in 21 CFR part parts 108, 21 CFR part 110, and 21 CFR part 114.

(c) All thermally processed milk and milk products that are packaged in hermetically sealed containers shall must comply with the regulations of the U.S. food and drug administration United States Food and Drug Administration in 21 CFR part parts 108, 21 CFR part 110, and 21 CFR part 113.

(d) Hermetically sealed packages shall must be handled to maintain product and container integrity.

(5) Unpasteurized milk and unpasteurized milk products may be sold to a final consumer or food service establishment in this state if the unpasteurized milk and unpasteurized milk product comply with section 70a of the manufacturing milk law of 2001, 2001 PA 267, MCL 288.630a.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5603 (request no. 05312'24) of the 102nd Legislature is enacted into law.