May 8, 2012, Introduced by Reps. Brunner, Smiley, Hammel, Dillon, Ananich and Hovey-Wright and referred to the Committee on Commerce.


     A bill to provide for establishing and administering a program


for awarding loans and other economic development incentives to


certain qualified businesses; to create a fund; and to prescribe


powers and duties of certain public and state entities, officers,


and agencies.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "green


to gold revolving loan fund act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Advanced transportation products" means vehicles and


components of automobiles and trucks and public transit vehicles


that utilize 1 or more of the following:


     (i) Hybridization or full electrification of vehicle systems.


     (ii) Power electronics.


     (iii) Vehicle, component, and subsystem manufacturing


technologies and processes.


     (iv) Engine efficiency and combustion optimization.


     (v) Waste heat recovery.


     (vi) Transmission and drivetrain efficiency.


     (vii) Hydrogen vehicle technologies, including fuel cells and


internal combustion engines, and hydrogen infrastructure.


     (viii) Aerodynamics, rolling resistance, and accessory power


loads of vehicles and associated equipment.


     (ix) Vehicle weight reduction.


     (x) Friction and wear reduction.


     (xi) Engine and component durability.


     (xii) Innovative propulsion systems.


     (xiii) Advanced boosting systems.


     (xiv) Hydraulic hybrid technologies.


     (xv) Engine compatibility with and optimization for a variety


of transportation fuels, including liquid and gaseous fuels.


     (xvi) Predictive engineering, modeling, and simulation of


vehicle and transportation systems.


     (xvii) Refueling and charging infrastructure for alternative


fueled and electric or plug-in electric hybrid vehicles, including


the unique challenges facing rural areas.


     (xviii) Gaseous fuels storage system integration and




     (xix) Sensing, communications and actuation technologies for


vehicle, electrical grid and infrastructure.


     (xx) Efficient use and recycling of rare earth materials and


reduction of precious metals and other high-cost materials in




     (xxi) After-treatment technologies.


     (xxii) Thermal management of battery systems.


     (xxiii) Retrofitting advanced vehicle technologies to existing




     (b) "Clean energy products" means 1 or more of the following,


including parts of each:


     (i) Wind turbines.


     (ii) Solar energy systems.


     (iii) Fuel cells.


     (iv) Advanced batteries, battery systems, or storage devices.


     (v) Biomass equipment.


     (vi) Geothermal equipment.


     (vii) Advanced biofuels.


     (viii) Ocean energy equipment.


     (ix) Carbon capture and storage systems.


     (c) "Fund" means the green to gold revolving loan fund


established in section 3.


     (d) "Program" means the business promotion matching grant


program established under this act.


     (e) "Qualified manufacturing business" means a business in


this state that does 1 or more of the following:


     (i) Implements energy efficiency or renewable energy measures


in its facilities to enhance competitiveness.


     (ii) Retools existing facilities in this state to produce clean


energy products or advanced transportation products or to engage in


sustainable energy practices.


     (iii) Creates or retains jobs in manufacturing clean energy


products or advanced transportation products or engaging in


sustainable energy practices.


     (iv) Provides worker training and establishes joint training


partnerships between management, labor, and educational


institutions to build a skilled workforce.


     (f) "Strategic fund" means the Michigan strategic fund created


in the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2001 to




     (g) "Sustainable energy practices" means pollution control and


energy generation that involves 1 or more of the following as


determined by the strategic fund:


     (i) Relates to the production, use, transmission, storage,


control, or conservation of energy.


     (ii) Reduces greenhouse gas concentrations.


     (iii) Achieves the earliest and maximum emission reductions


within a reasonable period per dollar invested.


     (iv) Results in the fewest non-greenhouse-gas environmental




     (v) Reduces the need for additional energy supplies by using


existing energy supplies with greater efficiency or by


transmitting, distributing, or transporting energy with greater


effectiveness through the infrastructure of the United States.


     (vi) Diversifies the sources of energy supply of the United


States to strengthen energy security and increase supplies with a


favorable balance of environmental effects if the entire technology


system is considered.


     Sec. 3. (1) The green to gold revolving loan fund is created


in the state treasury. The state treasurer may receive money or


other assets for deposit into the fund from appropriations, other


state revenue, federal revenue, local revenue, private


contributions, or any other source. The state treasurer shall


credit interest and earnings from fund investments to the fund.


Money remaining in the fund at the close of each fiscal year shall


remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (2) All money received from the federal government for


assisting qualified manufacturing businesses in retooling for, or


expanding, production of clean energy products, advanced


transportation products, and sustainable energy practices shall be


used for loans under this act.


     Sec. 4. (1) The strategic fund shall provide for the


development and implementation of the application, review, and


evaluation process for the program, including, but not limited to,


defining the eligibility standards, rating and ranking criteria,


and other appropriate policies and procedures for implementing a


direct loan and guarantee programs subject to all of the following




     (a) Set clear job creation requirements for loan recipients


that must be met for twice the duration of the loan. For each year


in which a loan recipient falls short on its job creation


requirement by more than 10%, the interest rate on the loan for the


following year shall be raised by 1% for each 10% job shortfall,


and the interest rate shall be raised 1/10 of 1% for each


additional 1% of job shortfall. If a company falls short more than


50% on its job creation requirement for 2 consecutive years, that


shall constitute a default on the loan.


     (b) Ensure that the money being awarded will be used to create


or retain jobs in this state.


     (c) Establish minimum energy savings a qualified business must


expect will result from the loan's utilization.


     (d) Give priority to qualified manufacturing businesses


certified by a Hollings manufacturing extension center or a


manufacturing-related local intermediary, and projects that involve


reequipping or expanding existing manufacturing facilities,


including facilities that are idle on the date of enactment of this


act and will hire Michigan residents.


     (e) Ensure that loans under this section will be distributed


to qualified manufacturing businesses throughout this state.


     (f) Loans may be provided at terms and conditions below market


to the extent that the overall program remains financially viable.


     (2) In addition to any other requirements in this act, all


qualified manufacturing business applicants shall demonstrate that


they meet all of the following requirements:


     (a) Pay individuals employed at the manufacturing facility


wages that are, on average, equal to or more than state average


manufacturing wages and provide health benefits.


     (b) Require that all laborers and mechanics employed by


contractors and subcontractors performing construction, alteration,


or repair, which are paid for in whole or in part with funds


provided by the program, shall be paid state prevailing wages.


     (c) Provide an annual report to the strategic fund and to


members of the senate and house of representatives that details


total capital investments made by the qualified manufacturing


business and total employment, including wage levels by type of


work, in the prior year and the following 2 years. The applicant


also shall estimate the number of jobs created or retained through


the provision of this state assistance, as well as provide other


appropriate performance data, as determined by the strategic fund.


     (d) Demonstrate that they have the ability to repay the loans.


     (e) Comply with applicable federal, state, and local


environmental, labor, and other laws and regulations.


     (f) Provide health insurance benefits for all full-time




     (g) The employer's turnover rate has not exceeded 20% annually


at any facility where money obtained through the program will be




     Sec. 5. (1) Beginning October 1, 2012 and annually thereafter,


the strategic fund shall post on its website a report on the


program's activities and impact on the clean energy industry and on


the state's economy, in general.


     (2) At a minimum, the report described in subsection (1) shall


include all of the following:


     (a) The total amount of money in the green to gold fund, at


the beginning of the fiscal year and at the end of the fiscal year.


     (b) The number of projects funded and the number of qualified


manufacturing businesses assisted.


     (c) The number of jobs created and the number of jobs retained


through program assistance in each of the fiscal years.


     (d) The amount of investments made by the qualified


manufacturing businesses in the immediately preceding year to their


assistance and the subsequent 2 years.


     (e) The amount of federal, state, and local taxes paid by the


qualified manufacturing businesses in aggregate. Information on


publicly held qualified manufacturing businesses also shall be


reported separately.


     (f) The sales increased or retained by all qualified


manufacturing businesses that received assistance.


     (g) The amount of energy saved through energy efficiency


upgrades or generated through on-site renewable energy systems.