September 25, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Cushingberry, Johnson and Nathan and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending sections 1304, 1312, 1321, and 1344 (MCL 600.1304,


600.1312, 600.1321, and 600.1344), sections 1304 and 1321 as


amended by 2004 PA 12, section 1312 as amended by 2005 PA 6, and


section 1344 as amended by 2002 PA 739, and by adding sections


1301c, 1310a, and 1310b.




     Sec. 1301c. (1) The circuit court shall oversee the operations


of the jury board in each county.


     (2) The jury board in each county shall not enter into any


contract for equipment or services without the prior approval of


the circuit court.


     (3) The jury board in each county shall report annually to the


circuit court on the geographical diversity of juries selected in


that county during the preceding 12 months.


     Sec. 1304. The jury board shall select the names of persons as


provided in this chapter to serve as jurors from a list that


combines the driver's license list, and the personal identification


cardholder list, the names of persons as provided in this chapter


to serve as jurors current voter registration lists or books, and a


list of individuals who filed a state income tax return.


     Sec. 1310a. (1) Between April 15 and May 1 of each year, the


township or city clerk shall deliver to the county clerk a full,


current, and accurate list of the names and addresses of current


registered voters. If electronic or mechanical devices are used by


the township, village, or city clerks to carry out their duties,


the county clerk may request and receive a copy of the list of


current registered voters on any electronically produced medium


under specifications prescribed by the county clerk.


     (2) The board shall secure from the county clerk, and the


county clerk shall provide, copies of the current voter


registration lists for each precinct in the county, with voters


grouped either by precinct or by city, township, or village, as


they may be provided.


     (3) If electronic or mechanical devices are used by the


township, city, or village clerks to carry out their duties, the


board, instead of receiving a list from the county clerk of current


registered voters, may order the clerks to provide only the names


and addresses selected by applying the key number and starting


number designated by the board.


     Sec. 1310b. (1) Between April 15 and May 1 of each year, the


state treasurer shall transmit annually to the clerk of each county


at no expense a full, current, and accurate copy of a list of the


names and addresses of all individuals residing in that county who


filed a state income tax return for the preceding calendar year. At


the request of the board before March 1, the state treasurer shall


transmit only a list consisting of the names and addresses of those


persons selected at random, based on the total number of jurors


required as submitted to the state treasurer by the board, using


electronic or other mechanical devices.


     (2) If a county uses electronic or mechanical devices to carry


out its duties, the county may request and receive a copy of the


list described in subsection (1) on any electronically produced


medium under specifications prescribed by the state treasurer. The


state treasurer shall establish specifications standardizing the


size, format, and content of media utilized to transmit information


used for jury selection.


     Sec. 1312. The board shall apply the key number uniformly to


the names on the list received pursuant to section sections 1310,


1310a, and 1310b and compile a list or card index, to be known as


the first jury list, which shall include every name and only those


names as the application of the key number has designated. The


board shall do this as follows:


     (a) Select by a random method a starting number between 0 and


the key number.


     (b) Count down the list the number of names to reach the


starting number. That name shall be placed on the first jury list.


     (c) Continue from that name counting down the list, beginning


to count again with the number 1, until the key number is reached.


That name shall be placed on the first jury list.


     (d) Repeat the process provided in subdivision (c) until the


whole list has been counted and the names placed on the first jury




     (e) The board shall then remove from the first jury list the


name of any person who its records show served, pursuant to the


provisions of this chapter, as a petit or grand juror in any court


of record in the county at any time in the preceding 1 year.


     (f) The board, with the approval of the chief circuit judge,


may remove from the first jury list the name of any person who has


been convicted of a felony and is therefore disqualified from


serving as a juror pursuant to section 1307a(1)(e).


     (g) The board shall continue to reorder the first jury list to


the extent necessary to ensure that names of persons residing in


each postal zip code within the county will be represented in jury


pools selected in that county in proportion to that postal zip


code's percentage of the county's total population, as reflected in


the most recent federal decennial census.


     Sec. 1321. (1) The names of those persons on the first jury


list whom the board accepts as persons qualified for and not exempt


from jury service shall be compiled into a list to be known as the


second jury list. The list shall remain sealed until otherwise


ordered by the chief circuit judge.


     (2) The board shall make an additional list consisting of the


names on the second jury list segregated by the geographical area


of the jurisdiction of each district court district. If there are


not sufficient names on the segregated list for any district court


district, the board shall apply again the key number to that


district only and obtain as many additional jurors as needed for


that district.


     (3) After completing the operation required under subsection


(2), the board shall make an additional list consisting of the


names on the list compiled under subsection (2), segregated by


geographical areas within the county. If there is not sufficient


geographical diversity within the segregated list, the board again


shall apply the key number to any underrepresented geographical


area and obtain as many additional jurors needed to ensure


geographical diversity. As used in this subsection, "geographical


diversity" means the proportional representation of the population


of each postal zip code within the county as a percentage of the


total population of the county, as reflected in the most recent


federal decennial census.


     Sec. 1344. (1) A juror shall be reimbursed for his or her


traveling expenses at a rate, determined by the county board of


commissioners, that is not less than 10 22 cents per mile for


traveling from the juror's residence to the place of holding court


and returning for each day or 1/2 day of actual attendance at


sessions of the court.


     (2) A juror also shall be compensated at a rate, determined by


the county board of commissioners, as follows:


     (a) Until October 1, 2003, not less than $15.00 per day and


$7.50 per 1/2 day of actual attendance at the court.


     (b) Beginning October 1, 2003, a rate determined as follows:


     (a) (i) For the first day or 1/2 day of actual attendance at


the court, not less than $25.00 per day and $12.50 per 1/2 day.


     (b) (ii) For each subsequent day or 1/2 day of actual


attendance at the court, not less than $40.00 per day and $20.00


per 1/2 day.


     (3) If an action is removed from the circuit court to a lower


court, the jury fee shall be paid to the circuit court whether paid


before or after removal of the action to the lower court, and the


circuit court shall be responsible for payment of the compensation


to the juror involved.


     (4) A clerk or deputy clerk of the court who fraudulently


issues a certificate of attendance of a juror on which the juror


receives pay, except as allowed by law, is guilty of a misdemeanor,


punishable by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or a fine of


not more than $500.00, or both.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5477(request no.


01447'09 a) of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.