February 04, 2020, Introduced by Reps. Schroeder, Frederick, O'Malley, Filler, Lower, Wendzel, Markkanen, Mueller and Alexander and referred to the Committee on Energy.

A bill to regulate persons that provide electric vehicle charging services; to require registration of certain persons that provide electric vehicle charging services; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state officers and entities.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "electric vehicle charging services registration act".

Sec. 2. As used in this act:

(a) "Department" means the department of agriculture and rural development.

(b) "Electric vehicle" means that term as defined in section 2(f)(iii) of the Michigan next energy authority act, 2002 PA 593, MCL 207.822.

(c) "Electric vehicle charging services" means the transfer of electric energy from electric vehicle service equipment to a battery or other storage device in an electric vehicle, and the provision of billing services, networking, and operation and maintenance related to that transfer of electric energy to an electric vehicle.

(d) "Electric vehicle charging station" means an electric component assembly or cluster of component assemblies designed specifically to charge batteries within an electric vehicle by permitting the transfer of electric energy to a battery or other storage device in an electric vehicle.

Sec. 3. (1) Subject to subsection (5), the department shall issue orders establishing a registration procedure for persons that provide electric vehicle charging services. The department shall allow a person that provides electric vehicle charging services to charge for providing electric vehicle charging services. To ensure adequate service to customers in this state, the department shall require a person that provides electric vehicle charging services to do all of the following:

(a) Have financial, managerial, and technical capabilities that the department considers necessary.

(b) Maintain records that the department considers necessary.

(c) Remain accessible to the department, to consumers, and to electric utilities in this state.

(d) Collect and remit all applicable taxes.

(e) Clearly display the cost to the consumer at the charging station. This subsection does not prohibit a person that provides electric vehicle charging services from displaying other information to the customer or the means by which the cost information is displayed, including, but not limited to, within the electric vehicle or on a mobile application.

(2) Subject to subsection (5), in addition to any other information required by the department in connection with a registration under subsection (1), a person that provides electric vehicle charging services must do both of the following:

(a) Provide information, including information as to the person's safety record and the person's history of service quality and reliability, as to the person's technical ability, as defined under regulations of the department, to safely and reliably generate or otherwise obtain and deliver electricity and provide any other proposed services.

(b) Demonstrate that the employees of the person that will be installing, operating, and maintaining electric vehicle charging stations within this state, or any entity with which the person has contracted to perform those functions within this state, have the requisite knowledge, skills, and competence to perform those functions in a safe and responsible manner in order to provide safe and reliable service.

(3) Subject to subsection (5), the department shall order the person submitting a registration under subsection (1) to post a bond or provide a letter of credit or other financial guarantee in a reasonable amount established by the department of not less than $40,000.00, if the department finds after an investigation and review that the requirement of a bond would be in the public interest.

(4) The department shall establish a toll-free hotline that allows consumers to report issues with electric vehicle charging stations.

(5) This section does not apply to a private owner of an electric vehicle charging station or a nonretail provider of an electric vehicle charging station if that private owner or nonretail provider will not charge for providing electric vehicle charging services.