September 2, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Miller and Meadows and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.


     A bill to amend 1964 PA 155, entitled


"Circuit court family counseling services act,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 551.332), as amended by 1980 PA 16.




     Sec. 2. (1) For the purpose of preserving and improving family


life through competent family counseling, family counseling


services, which shall include including domestic violence and child


abuse services, are created as provided in may be established under


this section. In each judicial circuit, the circuit court may


establish family counseling services. The county board of


commissioners shall appropriate $15.00 of a portion of each


marriage license fee as required to be allocated under section 3 of


1887 PA 128, MCL 551.103, and all income derived from fees charged


for family counseling services. If the circuit court has


established a family counseling service, each the county board of


commissioners may participate in the funding of the services and


may make additional appropriations for the establishment and


maintenance of the family counseling services. In multiple-county


circuits, the boards of commissioners may agree as to the


participation of each county in the funding , and as to the


appropriation which each county may make. The agreement may provide


for varying rather than equal contributions from each county.


     (2) The A circuit court shall not enter into a contract,


employ personnel, or expend funds which shall money if the


contract, employment, or expenditure will exceed the appropriations


of funds from by the county board of commissioners under this

