January 24, 2012, Introduced by Reps. Yonker, Dillon, Hooker, Foster, Heise, Johnson, Daley, Haines, MacMaster, Outman, Somerville, MacGregor, Potvin, Lyons, Horn, O'Brien, Pscholka, Roy Schmidt, Callton, Haveman and Lori and referred to the Committee on Transportation.


     A bill to amend 1972 PA 106, entitled


"Highway advertising act of 1972,"


by amending sections 11 and 11a (MCL 252.311 and 252.311a), section


11 as amended by 2006 PA 448 and section 11a as amended by 2009 PA






     Sec. 11. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), a


person who trims or removes trees or shrubs within a highway right-


of-way for the purpose of making a proposed or existing sign more


visible may be ordered to pay a penalty of up to 5 times the value


of the trees or shrubs trimmed or removed unless the person trimmed


or removed the trees or shrubs under the authority of a permit


issued under section 11a. The value of the removed trees or shrubs


shall be determined by the department in accordance with section


11a(3).using the most recent version of the international society


of arboriculture's guide for plant appraisal and the corresponding


Michigan tree evaluation supplement to the guide for plant


appraisal published by the Michigan forestry and park association.


The department may use another objective authoritative guide in


consultation with representatives of the outdoor advertising


industry and other interested parties, if either the guide or the


supplement has not been updated for more than 5 years. The


department, in consultation with representatives of the outdoor


advertising industry and other interested parties, may develop a


value schedule for vegetation. If agreed to by both the department


and the applicant, this value schedule shall be used to determine


the value of the vegetation managed. The department has the burden


of proof in any administrative proceeding brought for an alleged


violation of this subsection.


     (2) A person who removes trees or shrubs within a highway


right-of-way for the purpose of making a proposed or existing sign


more visible without first obtaining a permit under section 11a is


guilty of a felony misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not


more than 2 years 90 days or a fine of not more than $25,000.00,


$5,000.00, or both. If no criminal action pursuant to under this


section has been brought against the person within 1 year of the


removal of trees or shrubs without a permit, the department may


proceed to recover the penalty prescribed in subsection (1). If a


criminal action is brought against a person pursuant to under this


subsection, the department shall not proceed to recover the penalty


prescribed in subsection (1).


     (3) If a sign owner or the sign owner's agent trims or removes


trees or shrubs without first having obtained a permit under


section 11a, the sign owner shall is not be eligible to obtain a


permit under section 11a to trim or remove trees or shrubs for 3


years from the date of the improper trimming or removal of trees or




     (4) If trees or shrubs within a highway right-of-way have been


trimmed or removed by a sign owner or its agent for the purpose of


making the sign more visible, the sign shall be considered illegal


and the department may remove the sign pursuant to in accordance


with the procedures established in section 19 if a court determines


any of the following:


     (a) The trimming or removal was in violation of a local




     (b) The trimming or removal resulted in the intentional


trimming or removal of trees or shrubs that were not authorized to


be trimmed or removed in a permit issued under section 11a.


     (c) The sign owner trimmed or removed trees or shrubs and did


not obtain a permit under section 11a.


     (5) If a sign is removed under this section and the department


subsequently receives an application for a permit under section 6


for the same area, the department shall consider that the


conditions for the permit issued under section 6 remain in force


for spacing and all other requirements of this act.


     Sec. 11a. (1) Subject to the requirements of this section, the


department is authorized to and shall issue permits for the


management of vegetation to the owner of a sign subject to this




     (2) A sign owner may apply to the department for a permit to


manage vegetation using the department's approved form. The


application shall be accompanied by an application fee of $150.00


to cover the costs of evaluating and processing the application.


The application shall be submitted during the 2 or more annual


application periods not less than 60 days each, as specified by the


department. The application shall clearly identify the vegetation


area to be managed in order to create visibility of the sign within


the billboard viewing zone. and all proposed mitigation for the


impacts of the vegetation management undertaken. The applicant


shall not be required to identify the specific vegetation to be


managed within the identified area. The application shall also


include anticipated management that will be needed in the future to


maintain the visibility of the sign within the billboard viewing


zone for the time specified in subsection (4) and procedures for


clearing vegetation as determined by the department.


     (3) Unless otherwise agreed to by the department and an


applicant, the department shall issue its decision on an


application no later than 30 days after the last day of the


application period. The department shall approve the application,


approve the application with modification, or deny the application.


The department may, as a condition for issuing an initial permit to


manage vegetation for a sign installed on or after January 1, 2012,


require the applicant to mitigate any loss of vegetation by


planting vegetation as required by the department at that location


or another location. Mitigation shall not include payment for the


loss of vegetation. If the department approves the application or


approves the application with modification, it shall notify the


applicant. and the notification shall include the value of the


vegetation to be managed as determined by the department using the


most recent version of the international society of arboriculture's


guide for plant appraisal and the corresponding Michigan tree


evaluation supplement to the guide for plant appraisal published by


the Michigan forestry and park association. The department may use


another objective authoritative guide in consultation with


representatives of the outdoor advertising industry and other


interested parties, if either the guide or the supplement has not


been updated for more than 5 years. The department, in consultation


with representatives of the outdoor advertising industry and other


interested parties, may develop a value schedule for vegetation. If


agreed to by both the department and the applicant, this value


schedule shall be used to determine the value of the vegetation to


be managed. The notification to the applicant shall also include


any required mitigation for the vegetation to be managed and all


conditions and requirements associated with the issuance of the


permit. The permit fee shall be $300.00, except that in special and


unique situations and circumstances where the department incurs


additional costs directly attributable to the approval of the


permit, a fee greater than $300.00 adequate for the recovery of


additional costs may be assessed. Upon receipt of the permit fee,


payment for the value of the vegetation, and compliance with MDOT


conditions and requirements, the department shall, except as


otherwise provided by law, issue the permit.


     (4) Subject to the provisions of this subsection, a permit to


manage vegetation shall provide for a minimum of 5 seconds of


continuous, clear, and unobstructed view of the billboard face


based on travel at the posted speed as measured from the point


directly adjacent to the point of the billboard closest to the


highway. The department and the applicant may enter into an


agreement, at the request of the applicant, identifying the


specific location of the continuous, clear, and unobstructed view


within the billboard viewing zone. The specific location may begin


at a point anywhere within the billboard viewing zone but shall


result in a continuous, clear, and unobstructed view of not less


than 5 seconds. An applicant shall apply for a permit that


minimizes the amount of vegetation to be managed for the amount of


viewing time requested. Applications for vegetation management that


provide for greater than 5 seconds of continuous, clear, and


unobstructed viewing at the posted speed as measured from a point


directly adjacent to the point of the billboard closest to the


highway shall not be rejected based solely upon the application


exceeding the 5-second minimum. For billboards spaced less than 500


feet apart, vegetation management, when permitted, shall provide


for a minimum of 5 seconds of continuous, clear, and unobstructed


view of the billboard face based on travel at the posted speed or


the distance between the billboard and the adjacent billboard,


whichever is less.


     (5) The department shall issue permits for vegetation


management in a viewing cone or, at the department's discretion,


another shape that provides for the continuous, clear, and


unobstructed view of the billboard face. The department may, in its


discretion, issue a permit for vegetation management outside of the


billboard viewing zone.


     (6) If no suitable alternative exists, or the applicant is


unable to provide acceptable mitigation, the department may deny an


application or provide a limited permit to manage vegetation when


it can be demonstrated that 1 or more of the following situations




     (a) The vegetation management would have an adverse impact on




     (b) The vegetation management would have an adverse impact on


operations of the state trunk line highway.


     (c) The vegetation management conflicts with federal or state


law, rules, or statutory requirements.


     (d) The applicant does not have the approval of the owner of


the property.


     (e) The vegetation to be managed was planted or permitted to


be planted by the department for a specific purpose.


     (e) (f) Vegetation would be managed for a newly constructed


billboard. or vegetation existed that obscured the billboard or


would have obscured the billboard before it was constructed. In


denying an application or providing a limited permit, the


department shall consider previous vegetation management that was


allowed at the billboard site.


     (f) (g) The management would occur on a scenic or heritage


route that was designated on or before the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this section.January 1, 2007.


     (g) (h) The application is for a sign that has been found,


after a hearing in accordance with section 19, not to be in


compliance with this act.


     (i) Other special or unique circumstances or conditions exist,


including, but not limited to, adverse impact on the environment,


natural features, or adjacent property owners.


     (7) If the department denies an application, or issues a


limited permit under this subsection, the department shall provide


a specific rationale for denying an the application. or approving a


limited permit.


     (8) No later than 30 days after receiving a denial or a


limited permit under subsection (6), an applicant may request the


review and reconsideration of the denial. or limited permit. The


applicant shall submit its request in writing on a form as


determined by the department. The applicant shall state the


specific item or items for which review and reconsideration are


being requested. An applicant who received a limited permit may


manage vegetation in accordance with that permit during the review


and reconsideration period.


     (9) No later than 90 days after January 1, 2007, the


department shall develop a procedure for review and reconsideration


of applications that are denied. or that result in the issuance of


a limited permit. This procedure shall include at least 2 levels of


review and provide for input from the applicant. The review period


shall not exceed 120 days. The department shall consult with all


affected and interested parties, including, but not limited to,


representatives of the outdoor advertising industry, in the


development of this procedure.


     (10) If, after review and reconsideration as provided for in


subsection (8), the applicant is denied a permit, or issued a


limited permit, the applicant may appeal the decision of the


department to a court of competent jurisdiction.


     (11) All work performed in connection with trimming, removing,


or relocating vegetation shall be performed at the sign owner's




     (12) The department shall not plant or authorize to be planted


any vegetation that obstructs, or through expected normal growth


will obstruct in the future, the visibility within the billboard


viewing zone of any portion of a sign face subject to this act.


     (13) The department shall prepare an annual report for


submission to the legislature regarding the vegetation management


undertaken pursuant to under this section. At a minimum, this


report shall include all of the following items:


     (a) The number of application periods.


     (b) The number of applications submitted under this section.


     (c) The number of permits approved. without modifications.


     (d) The number of permits approved with modifications.


     (d) (e) The number of permits denied.


     (e) (f) The number of modified or denied permits which that


were appealed.


     (f) (g) The number of appeals that reversed the department's




     (g) (h) The number of appeals that upheld the department's




     (h) (i) The number of permits approved which that requested a


visibility time period exceeding 5 seconds.


     (i) (j) The amount of compensation paid to the state for


removed vegetation.


     (j) (k) The average number of days after the end of the


application period before an applicant was sent notice that a


permit was approved.


     (k) (l) A summary of the reasons for which the department


denied or modified permits.


     (l) (m) A summary of the amount of all revenues and expenses


associated with the management of the vegetation program.


     (14) The report in subsection (13) shall contain a summary for


the entire state and report in detail for each department region.


The department shall provide the report to the legislature for


review no later than 90 days following the completion of each


fiscal year. The reporting deadline for the initial report is 18


months after January 1, 2007.


     (15) A person who under the authority of a permit obtained


under this section trims or removes more trees and shrubs than the


permit authorizes is subject to 1 or more of the following




     (a) For the first 3 violations during a 3-year period, a


penalty of an amount up to $5,000.00 $1,000.00 or the amount


authorized as a penalty in section 11(1), whichever is greater.


     (b) For the fourth violation during a 3-year period and any


additional violation during that period, a penalty of an amount up


to $25,000.00 $5,000.00 or double the amount authorized as a


penalty in section 11(1), whichever is greater, for each violation.


     (c) For the fourth violation during a 3-year period, and any


additional violation, a person is not eligible to obtain or renew a


permit under this section to manage vegetation for a period of 3


years from the date of the fourth violation.


     (16) If the department alleges that a person has trimmed or


removed more trees or shrubs than the permit authorizes, then the


department shall notify the person of its intent to seek any 1 or


more of the penalties provided in subsection (15). The notification


shall be in writing and delivered via United States certified mail,


and shall detail the conduct the department alleges constitutes a


violation of subsection (15), shall indicate what penalties the


department will be seeking under subsection (15), and shall occur


within 30 days of the filing of the completion order for the


trimming or removal of trees or shrubs the department alleges


violated the permit. Any allegation by the department that a person


has trimmed or removed more trees or shrubs than the permit


authorizes shall be is subject to the appeals process contained in


subsections (8), (9), and (10). The department has the burden of


proof in an administrative proceeding brought for an alleged


violation of this section.


     (17) As used in this act:


     (a) "Billboard viewing zone" means the 1,000-foot area


measured at the pavement edge of the main-traveled way closest to


the billboard having as its terminus the point of the right-of-way


line immediately adjacent to the billboard.


     (b) "Vegetation management" means the trimming, removal, or


relocation of trees, shrubs, or other plant material.


     (c) "Viewing cone" means the triangular area described as the


point directly below the face of the billboard closest to the


roadway, the point directly below the billboard face farthest away


from the roadway, a point as measured from a point directly


adjacent to the part of the billboard closest to the roadway and


extending back parallel to the roadway the distance that provides


the view of the billboard prescribed in this section, and the


triangle described by the points extending upward to the top of the




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act is curative and


applies to administrative proceedings pending on January 1, 2012


and filed after that date.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect January


1, 2012.