HB-5256, As Passed House, March 7, 2018





















November 28, 2017, Introduced by Rep. Lucido and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Trade.


     A bill to amend 1917 PA 350, entitled


"An act to regulate and license second hand dealers and junk

dealers; and to prescribe penalties for the violation of the

provisions of this act,"


by amending the title and sections 5 and 6 (MCL 445.405 and


445.406), section 5 as amended by 2008 PA 428, and by adding


section 6a.






     An act to regulate and license second hand secondhand dealers


and junk dealers; to provide for the disposition of allegedly


misappropriated articles in the possession of secondhand dealers


and junk dealers; to provide for the powers and duties of certain


state and local governmental officers and entities; and to provide

remedies and prescribe penalties for the violation of the


provisions of this act.


     Sec. 5. (1) The articles purchased or exchanged shall be


retained by the purchaser for at least 15 days before disposing of


them, in an accessible place in the building where the articles are


purchased and received. A tag shall be attached to the articles


Subject to sections 6 and 6a, a secondhand dealer or junk dealer


shall not dispose of any article it receives by purchase or


exchange until the article has remained in its possession for at


least 15 days. A secondhand dealer or junk dealer shall attach a


tag to the article in some visible and convenient place, with the


number written thereupon, to correspond with a number written on


the tag that corresponds to the entry number in the book or other




     (2) The purchaser A secondhand dealer or junk dealer shall


prepare and deliver on Monday of each week to the chief of police


or chief law enforcement officer of the local unit of government in


which that it conducts business, is carried on, before 12 noon, a


legible and correct paper or electronic copy, in the English


language, from the book or other written or electronic record,


containing that contains a description of each article purchased or


received in exchange during the preceding week, the hour and day


when the purchase or exchange was made, the description of the


person individual from whom it was purchased, and a copy of the


documentation required under section 4 regarding the person


individual from whom it was purchased. The statement shall be


verified in a manner acceptable to the chief of police or chief law

enforcement officer.


     (3) This section does not apply to old rags, waste paper, and


household goods except radios, televisions, record players, and


electrical appliances and does not require the purchaser to retain


articles purchased from individuals, firms, or corporations having


a person that has a fixed place of business after those articles


shall have been are reported.


     Sec. 6. If the purchaser or receiver, by exchange or


otherwise, as described in section 3, is a peddler or goes about


with a wagon to purchase or obtain by exchange or otherwise, any of


such articles, and Subject to section 6a, if a secondhand dealer or


junk dealer does not have a place of business in a building, he


need not retain such the secondhand dealer or junk dealer is not


required to retain articles for 15 days before selling them,


provided on disposing of them if the secondhand dealer or junk


dealer does all of the following:


     (a) It maintains a separate book or other written or


electronic record of each article it sells or otherwise transfers


to a person that includes the name and address of each person that


received the article and a description of the article.


     (b) On Monday of each week, he it files with the chief of


police or chief police officer of the city or village in which he


it is located a report showing the place of business that states


the name and address of the each person to whom such sale was made;


that received articles from the secondhand dealer or junk dealer in


the preceding week and a copy of the record required by such


section to be kept in a separate book of the articles purchased or

received during under subdivision (a) for the preceding week. ,


including a description of such articles sold, to whom sold and his


place of business.


     Sec. 6a. (1) If an appropriate law enforcement official has


probable cause to believe that an article received by and in the


possession of a secondhand dealer or junk dealer is


misappropriated, or if a person files an official police report


alleging misappropriation of the article, the official may place a


written hold order on the article. All of the following apply to a


written hold order under this subsection:


     (a) The hold order shall specify a holding period. The length


of the holding period shall not exceed 90 days, unless extended by


court order.


     (b) The appropriate law enforcement official who placed the


hold order may rescind it in writing.


     (c) An appropriate law enforcement official may place only 1


hold order on a particular article.


     (d) The hold order must include all of the following




     (i) The name and mailing address of the secondhand dealer or


junk dealer.


     (ii) The name, title, and identification number of the


appropriate law enforcement official who placed the hold order and,


if applicable, the number assigned to the claim or report relating


to the article.


     (iii) A complete description of the article in the possession


of the secondhand dealer or junk dealer, including model number and

serial number, if applicable.


     (iv) The name of the person that reported that the article was


misappropriated, unless otherwise prohibited by law.


     (v) The expiration date of the holding period specified under


subdivision (a).


     (2) An appropriate law enforcement official must sign and date


a copy of a written hold order he or she placed on an article under


subsection (1) as evidence that he or she placed the hold order and


of the date the holding period specified under subsection (1)(a)




     (3) On the tenth day after a hold order placed under


subsection (1) expires, if the secondhand dealer or junk dealer has


not received notice from a court that it has granted an extension


of the hold order on the article, title to the article vests in and


is considered conveyed by operation of law to the secondhand dealer


or junk dealer, free of any liability for claims and subject to the


provisions of this act.


     (4) A court shall not grant an extension of a hold order


placed on an article under subsection (1) unless a person that


claims an interest in the article that is adverse to the secondhand


dealer or junk dealer has filed a report with a law enforcement


agency and provided a copy of the report to the court and a copy of


that report accompanies the notice from the court that it granted


the extension described in subsection (3).


     (5) Except as provided in subsection (6), a secondhand dealer


or junk dealer shall not release or dispose of an article that is


subject to a hold order under this section except pursuant to a

court order, a written release from the appropriate law enforcement


official, or the expiration of the holding period of the hold order


described in subsection (1)(a).


     (6) While a hold order is in effect, on request, the


secondhand dealer or junk dealer must release the article that is


subject to the hold order to the custody of the appropriate law


enforcement official who placed the hold order for use in a


criminal investigation or proceeding related to the ownership


claim. The release of the article to the custody of the appropriate


law enforcement official is not considered a waiver or release of


the secondhand dealer's or junk dealer's property rights in,


interest in, or lien on the article.


     (7) An appropriate law enforcement official or any other


person that obtains custody of an article under this section shall


not deliver the article to any person that claims ownership of the


article unless both of the following are met:


     (a) The article is delivered after a hearing at which a court


determines the merits of the claims to the article.


     (b) If the court finds against the secondhand dealer or junk


dealer, the court orders the person that sold the article to or


exchanged the article with the secondhand dealer or junk dealer to


make restitution to the secondhand dealer or junk dealer for all


money that the secondhand dealer or junk dealer paid or the value


of the property exchanged by the secondhand dealer or junk dealer


for the article, together with reasonable attorney fees and costs


that the secondhand dealer or junk dealer incurred in defending the


action related to the disputed article.

     (8) If the court after a hearing described in subsection


(7)(a) finds in favor of the secondhand dealer or junk dealer, the


article must be returned to the secondhand dealer or junk dealer.


     (9) A secondhand dealer or junk dealer is not liable to any


person for any article that is seized from the secondhand dealer or


junk dealer based on the secondhand dealer's or junk dealer's


inability to return the article to that person because of the




     (10) As used in this section, "appropriate law enforcement


official" means a sheriff or sheriff's deputy of a sheriff's


department in this state; a village or township marshal of a


village or township in this state; an officer of the police


department of any city, village, or township in this state; or an


officer of the Michigan state police.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.