HB-5085, As Passed House, April 24, 2018




























     A bill to amend 1998 PA 58, entitled


"Michigan liquor control code of 1998,"


by amending section 221 (MCL 436.1221).




     Sec. 221. (1) The commission is authorized to may maintain a


revolving fund that is to be derived from the money deposited to


the credit of the commission with the state treasurer. From time to


time, amounts shall money must be transferred from the revolving


fund to the general fund in accordance with the management and


budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to 18.1594. The revolving fund


provided for in this section shall must be used for replenishing,


maintaining, warehousing, and distributing liquor stock throughout


the this state and for administration of this act. The commission


shall make a monthly report of the revolving fund to the state

treasurer and to the budget director. The report shall contain must


include an itemized account of all money received and all


expenditures made by the commission during the month covered in the




     (2) Interest earnings on common cash attributable to the


revolving fund shall must be credited to the revolving fund and


shall must be available to the commission for administration of


this act.


     (3) All money received by the commission under this act shall


must be turned over to the state treasurer according to department


of treasury procedures.


     (4) All money deposited by the commission with the state


treasurer shall must be either credited to the revolving fund for


expenditures authorized under subsection (1) or credited to the


general fund to be available for the purposes for which the general


fund is available.


     (5) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 and each


fiscal year thereafter, if the total net revenue collected under


this act exceeds the amount collected in the previous fiscal year,


50% of that excess amount, as reported by the commission in the


annual financial report, must be distributed from the general


fund/general purpose revenue to department-designated community


mental health entities to be used for the administration and


delivery of substance use disorder prevention and treatment


programs. At least 25% of the money distributed under this


subsection must be used for the administration and delivery of


substance use disorder prevention and treatment programs not

exclusively related to alcohol. As used in this subsection:


     (a) "Department-designated community mental health entity"


means that term as defined in section 100a of the mental health


code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1100a.


     (b) "Total net revenue" means all revenue received from sales,


taxes, licenses, and any other money collected under this act less


administrative expenses. For purposes of this subdivision,


administrative expenses does not include returnable license fees.


     (6) The department of health and human services shall explore


federal funding, including, but not limited to, grants, awards, and


any federal matching funds for substance use disorder prevention


and treatment programs described in subsection (5). If federal


funds are made available to the department of health and human


services under this subsection, the federal funds must be


distributed to department-designated community health entities as


provided in subsection (5). Any federal funds made available under


this subsection must be in addition to any excess in the total net


revenue collected under this act as described in subsection (5).