October 03, 2023, Introduced by Reps. Glanville, Arbit, MacDonell, Stone, Weiss, Haadsma, Hill, Rogers, Rheingans, Price, Conlin, Brixie, Andrews, Brabec, McFall, Liberati, Coleman, Paiz, Hope, Byrnes, Miller, Dievendorf, O'Neal, Neeley, Edwards, Puri, Morse, Churches, Martus, Steckloff, Snyder and Aiyash and referred to the Committee on Insurance and Financial Services.

A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled

"The insurance code of 1956,"

(MCL 500.100 to 500.8302) by adding section 3406z.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 3406z. (1) An insurer that delivers, issues for delivery, or renews in this state a health insurance policy shall provide coverage for amino acid-based elemental formula, regardless of the delivery methods, for the diagnosis and treatment of any of the following:

(a) Multiple food allergies or protein intolerances.

(b) Eosinophilic disorders.

(c) Short bowel syndrome.

(2) Subsection (1) only applies if the insured's health care provider has issued a written treatment plan and order stating that the amino acid-based elemental formula is medically necessary for the treatment of the disease or disorder.

(3) Coverage under this section must not be subject to deductibles, copayment, or coinsurance requirements, or dollar or durational limits that are less favorable than those for physical illness generally.