June 20, 2013, Introduced by Reps. Cavanagh, Faris, Smiley, Driskell, Hovey-Wright and Slavens and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to allow 1 or both parties to a marriage to change his


or her name as part of the solemnization of the marriage; and to


prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments and






     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"Michigan name equality act".


     Sec. 2. (1) Parties to a marriage are not required to have the


same name. Neither party is required to change his or her name. A


person's name shall not change upon marriage unless that person


elects to change his or her name under this section.


     (2) One party or both parties to a marriage may elect to


change the middle or last name, or both, by which that party wishes


to be known after solemnization of the marriage by entering the new


name in the spaces provided on the marriage license application


without intent to defraud.


     Sec. 3. (1) A person may adopt any of the following last names


according to section 1:


     (a) The current last name of the other spouse.


     (b) The last name of either spouse given at birth.


     (c) A name combining into a single last name all or a segment


of the current last name or the last name of either spouse given at




     (d) A hyphenated combination of last names.


     (2) A person may adopt any of the following middle names


according to section 1:


     (a) The current last name of either spouse.


     (b) The last name of either spouse given at birth.


     (c) A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and


the current last name of the person or spouse.


     (d) A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and


the last name given at birth of the person or spouse.


     Sec. 4. An election by a person to change his or her name


under section 1 serves as a record of the name change. A certified


copy of a marriage certificate containing the new name, or


retaining the former name, constitutes proof that the use of the


new name or retention of the former name is lawful.


     Sec. 5. (1) A certified copy of a marriage certificate shall


be accepted as identification establishing a true, full name for


purposes of section 307 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300,


MCL 257.307. Nothing in this act prohibits the secretary of state


from accepting as identification other documents establishing a


true, full name for purposes of section 307 of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.307. Those documents may include, but


are not limited to, a certified copy of a marriage certificate


recording a marriage outside of this state.


     (2) This act shall be applied in a manner consistent with the


requirements of section 307 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA


300, MCL 257.307.


     Sec. 6. The adoption of a new name, or the choice not to adopt


a new name, by means of a marriage license application under


section 1 shall only be made at the time the marriage license is


issued. After a marriage certificate is registered by the local


registrar, the certificate may not be amended to add a new name or


change the name adopted under section 1. An amendment may be issued


to correct a clerical error in the new name fields on the marriage


license. In this instance, the amendment must be signed by 1 of the


parties to the marriage and the county clerk or his or her


designee, and the reason for the amendment must be stated as


correcting a clerical error. A clerical error as used in this


section is an error made by the county clerk, his or her designee,


or a notary authorized to issue confidential marriage licenses,


where the information shown in the new name field does not match


the information shown on the marriage license application. This


requirement does not abrogate the right of either party to adopt a


different name through usage at a future date or to petition the


court for a change of name under the laws of this state.


     Sec. 7. Nothing in this act abrogates the common law right of


any person to change his or her name or the right of any person to


petition the court for a change of name under the laws of this




     Enacting section 1. This act takes effect January 1, 2015.