June 22, 2023, Introduced by Reps. DeBoyer, BeGole, Outman, Alexander, Aragona, Bezotte, Beson, Kunse, Mueller, Bierlein, DeBoer, Wilson, Johnsen and Mentzer and referred to the Committee on Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure.

A bill to amend 1909 PA 279, entitled

"The home rule city act,"

(MCL 117.1 to 117.38) by adding section 5l.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 5l. (1) The legislative body of a city may, by resolution, authorize the city to contract for the maintenance or improvement of any private road in the city by creating a special assessment district.

(2) More than 50% of the property owners owning the frontage along a private road may request, by petition to the legislative body of the city, the maintenance or improvement of the private road in the city. If the legislative body of a city passes a resolution or receives a petition that complies with the requirements of this subsection, the city may enter into a contract for or make the maintenance or improvement of the private road, with the allocation of cost to be spread against all of the owners in the special assessment district on a pro rata frontage basis. The maintenance or improvement of any private road under this section, and the assessment of cost, must not be completed until the legislative body of the city has created a special assessment district and assessed the properties with proper notice of public hearings to all of the owners of property in the special assessment district that will benefit from the maintenance or improvement.

(3) The maintenance or improvement of a private road authorized by the legislative body of a city under this section may be an annual maintenance or improvement program not to exceed 5 years. The special assessment district must not be assessed for a period longer than 5 years unless a new special assessment district with a new special assessment is created to continue the program.

(4) As used in this section, "maintenance" means that term as defined in section 10c of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.660c.