April 28, 2009, Introduced by Reps. McMillin, Agema, Rick Jones, Spade and Calley and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1982 PA 455, entitled


"The library privacy act,"


by amending section 6 (MCL 397.606), as amended by 2000 PA 212.




     Sec. 6. (1) If a library offers use of the internet or a


computer, computer program, computer network, or computer system to


the public, the governing body of that library shall adopt and


require enforcement of a policy that restricts access to minors. by


providing the use of the internet or a computer, computer program,


computer network, or computer system in 1 of the following ways:


     (a) Both of the following:


     (i) By making available, to individuals of any age, 1 or more


terminals that are restricted from receiving obscene matter or


sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors.


     (ii) By reserving, to individuals 18 years of age or older or


minors who are accompanied by their parent or guardian, 1 or more


terminals that are not restricted from receiving any material.


     (b) By utilizing a system or method that is designed to


prevent a minor from viewing obscene matter or sexually explicit


matter that is harmful to minors. The library shall equip all


computers with software that blocks or restricts receipt of visual


depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to


minors. The library may disable the blocking or filtering software


for use by a person 18 years of age or older to enable access for


bona fide research or other lawful purposes.


     (2) A governing body of a library, member of a governing body


of a library, library, or an agent or employee of a governing body


of a library or library, is immune from liability in a civil action


as provided in section 7 of the revised judicature act of 1961,


1961 PA 236 1964 PA 170, MCL 691.1407.


     (3) This section does not apply to a library established by a


community college district, a college or university, or a private


library open to the public.